@Toronto Raptors

[Murphy] Vezenkov is leaving the entire $6,658,536 on the table in the buyout, per a source. The Raptors pay $0. He has no cap hit any longer.

[Murphy] Vezenkov is leaving the entire $6,658,536 on the table in the buyout, per a source. The Raptors pay $0. He has no cap hit any longer.

by -vinay


  1. The Kings got absolutely fucked in this trade. A salary dump where the guy getting dumped gave back his money

  2. jjkiller26

    What a trade that was. Went from “they gave us the picks bc we had to pay Sasha’s buyout” to not paying anything and keeping the picks

  3. gregbraaa

    I was convinced we would eat $1 million or $2 million to speed this along. Even better than expected.

  4. goodnamesweregone

    Has this ever happened where a player leaves the entire contract amount on the table in a buyout? Especially when he will surely be earning less in Europe.

    I was expecting him to receive something close to the difference between his NBA contract and his contract in Europe.

  5. drewtheblueduck

    My guy really wanted to get the hell back to Europe. I’d hang out here for a lil for $7M. Jeez louise

  6. pascalshaka

    For the kings, it was an immediate 9m saved so they could go and get Demar. Don’t think they get him if Sasha is playing hardball for a few more weeks. For the raps, it turns out to be a 2m “burden” in the end (the difference in $ of Davion and Mcdaniels).

    Two seconds and Davion for our hardship lol. Sweet!

  7. Online_Commentor_69

    lol jesus could this get any better?

  8. JustChillFFS

    Fuck, I don’t know how anybody can top that trade. To the history books!

  9. ttttyttt678

    PG: IQ/Davion Mitchell/Sheed SG:Bruce Brown/Gradey Dick/Ja’Kobe Walter SF:RJ/Ochai/Temple PF:Scottie/Mogbo/Boucher C:Jakob/Kelly O/Chomche
Youth movement in full force.

  10. GuessableSevens

    This makes the trade a lot better.

    Still doesn’t really move the needle, but smart trades around the margins are important too.

  11. ![gif](giphy|3d78lX84bkU6T4zNOg)

    Masai and Co to Koloko when he passes his physical hopefully

  12. Friendly-Target8815

    If Koloko comes back, does Branden Carlson stay?

  13. HowzyDoit

    Finessed them. That’s how you run a team, when another team needs to lower their cap to make a big move – that’s when the best value can be had.

    Good luck in Europe to now former Raptor, Sasha Vezenkov! It was a great 24- day Raptor career.

  14. More importantly, it’s getting them $6.7M in under-the-tax space. Added to the $4.1 they already had and $1.8 million of JFL’s non-guaranteed contract, it leaves them basically full MLE available to sign a free agent.

  15. CazOnReddit

    Holy shit the Kings got ***fleeced***

    A very good second and a backup PG for **Jalen McDaniels** who was one of the worst NBA players last season

  16. I don’t think Venzenkov would have waived it for us. I think he was personally upset at the kings, where as he wasn’t with the Raptors

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