@San Antonio Spurs

The Spurs’ lack of quality big man depth could be their biggest weakness in 2024/25

The Spurs’ lack of quality big man depth could be their biggest weakness in 2024/25

by Imaginary-Mouse-1737


  1. paxusromanus811

    I mean it has to be shooting right? Paul and Barnes are both theoretically good additions as shooters, but until proven otherwise, this team still feels like A pretty surefire guarantee to be a bottom five three-point shooting team percentage wise

    The Spurs may not be rolling in traditional big man depth, but I don’t think anything about how pop has been rolling out Lineups the last few years should make us think he’s going to be close-minded enough to only play traditional bigs in the front Court.

    Jeremy, Barnes, Johnson, Julian will all probably get run at the 4. Hell Collins may even get little moments playing there or at least playing there on paper if he shares time with Vic which he did to end the year, and shockingly, it looked much better than at the start of the year. And then, while they’re not proven, Mamu and bassy as third stringers isn’t particularly a bad thing at all

    As long as Collins doesn’t play the entire year at the same level as he was at the first 30 games of the season, where he was honestly probably one of the 10 worst rotation players in the league getting significant minutes, I think the Spurs will be fine

    The lack of reliable shooting is still their biggest weakness. So there’s some reasons to be optimistic that there are players on the roster who could help fix that issue through internal growth.

  2. ModsEmbezzleMoney

    I’d be more worried if most of the league wasn’t lacking at back up big too

  3. Imaginary-Cycle-1977

    I like our center rotation better than our PF rotation . Assuming Collins surgery and rehab goes okay I think he’ll have a bounce back season. Spurs docs know better than we do how Bassey is doing health wise and they’re bringing him back. He’s got an interesting skill set, especially as a 3rd stringer

    We don’t really have a true 4 on the roster outside of Mamu maybe, and Sochan still needs to prove he’s a starting quality player. Outside of that we’re asking wings like Barnes, KJ, or Champagnie to play up

    Imo the biggest weaknesses for next year are a lack of top end talent, shooting, and our wings and forwards

  4. SWBattleleader

    This discussion made me look at some statistics and I am really unsure.

    Spurs were 30th in 3pt shooting pre All-Star. They moved to 15th. Quite a jump and promising with the addition of Paul and Barnes.

    But Pre-All-Star Spurs were 18th in rebounds per game. They moved to 2nd Post All-Star. A bigger Jump.

    I think a big change though will be Turnovers. Spurs were 28th in Turnovers last year. Barnes doesn’t turn the ball over, with 58 in almost 2,400 minutes last season. Paul had 76 in 1,500 minutes. In contrast, every Spurs who played over 1,500 minutes had at least 91 turnovers.

    I don’t know what the biggest weakness will be in 24/25, but turnovers, arguably our biggest weakness last season, should be vastly improved.

  5. I mean Barnes can play 4. Jeremy plays 4 and Collins is fine as a backup Center. That’s not that bad.

  6. CrissCrossAppleSos

    I think their biggest problem is that they just kinda suck

  7. Aggravating_Impact97

    I mean it’s only an issue if the worst-case scenario happens. IF that happens then yeah call it a day and just be bad. But I think the spurs are fine. Collins is a serviceable back up big. Most of the spurs started off horrendously. On the Whole as you judge the whole season they did get better. But the awful start left a lasting impression. But the spurs did what they had to do upgraded the starting line up and added depth. They have a fair amount of familiarity with each other now which is valuable some of these players should still be on there way up and have yet to reach there full potential. But that doesn’t mean the spurs can afford to be patient forever. This is going to be a make or break year for a lot of this roster. Im excited for that. No more excuses. This is about as much time as anyone gets to show they can play in this league.

  8. CoyotesSideEyes

    It’s absolutely our biggest weakness. Unless Bassey comes back competent, our backup 5 spot is a big time weakness

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