@Dallas Mavericks

How the Dallas Mavericks Became the NBA’s SMARTEST Front Office

How the Dallas Mavericks Became the NBA’s SMARTEST Front Office

After last season’s Finals run, have the Dallas Mavericks established themselves as the NBA’s smartest front office?

Brendon Kleen, Chris Manning and Wes Goldberg discuss the Mavericks’ offseason and the smart moves that built the team.

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  1. Mavs FO has been incompetent for 2 decades. The second Cuban sells the team, they start making genius level moves. That’s not a coincidence. All hail Nico.

  2. Here is the main, and I mean MAIN reason this new FO does so much things right for the last 1.5 years…
    Cuban stays out of the decision making! Let me explain it more in detail:

    1st lets look at the first view things Harris did when he took over the GM job: Traded the 26th pick and some role players for Wood, resigned THJ for 75/4, signed McGee to a 3 year contrat, didnt offer an extension to Brunson. All those decisions have turned out to be mistakes. I am sure that Harrison didnt do them alone, if at all. I am sure Cuban told him what to do here. Not litterally, but something like "Get this Wood player in here, Houston is open to trade talks!" or "Keep THJ here, he is important for our team", or "We do not extend Brunson right now, lets wait till the deadline and see how he does"…

    Cause thats exactly what he did for decades. Just a view things Nelson (former Dallas GM) wanted, or didnt want, to do: Draft Giannis, but Cuban told him to trade down. Draft Bane, but Cuban told him to draft Green. Trade Curry for Richardson, cause Cuban wanted more defense. Trade for Rondo, same reason as the Richardson trade. … the list goes on. Cubans last real decision was the Kyrie trade. After that he basically wasnt really involved in FO decisions anymore, cause he started the talks with the Sands Group about selling the team. Means for the first time a GM had free range to do what he thought was the best for the team.

    So the Bertans+10th for 12th trade was Harrisons sole decision, the Holmes+24th for TPE trade was as well, so was the DJJ signing, the Exum signing, the Williams S&T, the Williams for PJ trade, the Holmes for Gafford trade… Harrison (together with Kidd and Finley) looked what worked and what is needed. And they immediately react as soon as they see some things that do not work. Williams wasnt able to play the role the franchise hoped he can, so they immediately traded him for a more athletic defender. They hoped Holmes can get back to his best days, but he was just not working out, so they traded him as soon as a better option was available. They saw that shooting was our biggest problem in the finals, so they immediately got one of the best shooters in NBA history on the team, and upgraded the wing positions overall with more shooting. They saw that DJJ changed agents and acted strange after the Dallas offer (they offered him the Marshall contract). So instead of waiting and talking they looked for a replacement and signed Marshall. They saw that the Team was macking a 3rd good playmaker, so they brought in Dinwiddie, who they know works good next to Luka off the bench.

    I would bet a lot of money, that a lot of those things wouldnt happen if Cuban would still hold all the strings.

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