@Boston Celtics

Steve Kerr: “I feel like an idiot for not playing [Jayson Tatum]”

You don’t say…

by 3250Knight



    Still salty about that 50 point ass whooping in March.

  2. WitnessEntire

    I mean, they make this mistake all the time in youth sports (ten and under). And play their friends kids and ignore talented kids until it’s too late. Then they start them the next game and it’s fake and not genuine. That’s what this felt like. It’s unacceptable in youth sports. Unthinkable for the Olympics. If the guy doesn’t fit into your plans or you just don’t I Iike him, leave him home. Like Jaylen.

  3. DatDamGermanGuy

    That explains why the Warriors can’t even make the play in tournament anymore…

  4. OrlandoMB

    Keep speaking Kerr. I’m curious if you can make yourself appear any stupider.

  5. 1TootskiPlz

    Imagine being this inept. I’m just glad the whole world can see it now

  6. blittle3131

    He’s not a good coach. He’s been blessed with great players in his career.

  7. flyingpandum

    It is fucking surreal how much engagement Tatum is getting from everything right now.

    Like everyone and their mom has some kind of opinion about him.

    I’m not saying all of it is good or bad but has anyone been this controversial without actually being controversial?

  8. Forsaken_Flight6188

    Steve Kerr’s a overrated coach who took over an already implemented offensive system that was installed by Mark Jackson and has this obsessed tendency to play small ball lineups he really is a clueless idiot

  9. NotFlipkid

    I just don’t understand why people are making a big deal about Tatum not playing. Did people forget he played in the last Olympics? Also, people are just ignoring that Jrue and Derrick played today.

  10. joebos617

    the reason I know Tatum is better than the likes of Embiid, Doncic and SGA is because it is going to take multiple rings for him to finally earn his flowers

  11. RavishingRickDuu

    I rather Tatum doesn’t play at all to be honest

  12. Fuck off

    Thing is plenty of these guys haven’t played well in the exhibition games but they got plenty of minutes and some started. Meanwhile the 3x all nba first teamer in consecutive years, just won the championship, can’t get even a single minute???

    Jayson Tatum isn’t gonna tank the team where they go from a 26 point lead to an L. Like Anthony Davis didn’t play a big role today but nobody is gonna say anything same with Steph. It was mostly Kd and Lebron who had an outstanding and noticeable game.

    I just think this shit is unfair and disrespectful to Tatum to not even get a chance to play when other guys on the roster have accomplished much less and are able to play.

  13. BarryLird_

    And Devin Booker should be setting at home…. Not JB.

  14. Larrydp72181

    Darth Vader once said your feelings betray you… This time they speak the truthfully Kerr

  15. QuoteOpposite6511

    Fuck Kerr. That’s some absolute bullshit. If Tatum doesn’t play, I hope they lose.

  16. djmc252525

    Jayson Tatum is the best player on the team in the year 2024. This is all time insanity. 

  17. GooseMay0

    So why didn’t he play him? Seriously what is Kerr’s agenda?

  18. BradWonder

    Ugh, hopefully Jayson shoots decently next game so the trolls don’t get their ammo

  19. Sharp_Sound4555

    Tatum isn’t part of the inner circle club like the rest because he’s a Christian and won’t convert to their stupid kabbalah cult. Refuses to get branded with their all seeing eye pyramid slave tattoos. Ant is keen to sell his soul and join the inner circle. Fuck Kerr the sell out.

  20. chronicdreamze

    Nick Kerr. The guy is a professional troll.

  21. Well to be honest he did not do much in the exhibitions. He may be tired. I also don’t think he fits in well with Lebron to be honest. Both of them are ball dominant and not great spot up shooters. JT performed very well in the last Olympics mostly in lineups with Durant who moves more than Lebron. Also Embiid standing around isn’t great for Tatum’s game.

  22. Chuckyducky6

    I mean, he’s not playing instead of Durant, that’s just not happening.

  23. Wait….didn’t this fucker try to rationalize not playing him because “the match up didnt make sense” and now he’s turning back and saying he’s an idiot? Fuck outta here Kerr.

  24. polygonalopportunist

    Boo this man when he comes to the garden

  25. Next season the Psycho Joe vs Idiot Kerr regular season game is gonna hit like crack

  26. Routine-Resource3344

    I feel so bad for JT. All this treatment just because he plays for Boston. They let Holiday and White slide, don’t give them the cold shoulder because they came from somewhere else originally. JT a C through and through. Drafted and all. The hate is real.

  27. goalstopper28

    This makes it worse tbh. It implies that he just forgot Tatum was on the team.

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