@Chicago Bulls

Just king things πŸ‘‘

Just king things πŸ‘‘

by PatrickMcC


  1. YoHoochIsCrazy

    i think we all dream of being able to make such an impact in the world. he’s made a difference so many people. and all those people have a great role model to look up to in Luol. he makes me wanna do better

  2. hayzeusofcool

    They’re so fun to watch. Wenyen Gabriel & Carlik Jones are so talented.

  3. Vivid_Ferret_920

    My all time favorite Bulls player & an all time great human. Love seeing him continue to make an impact.

  4. StoicRetention

    this is a man who stands on business, I remember him wearing the Africa tshirt during his All-Star intro and league throwing a fit and having to backtrack. Luol IS THE MAN

  5. babaganoush_84

    Good stuff right here!! Hope they pull a massive surprise on ol’ Jokic and the Serbs!

  6. whispersluggagebaby

    My favorite story from the games! Love you Luol!

  7. Expensive-Ad-1985

    So the Lakers been funding South Sudan how kind of them

  8. JimGordonLovesBats

    Just a great Bulls player and a great man! It doesn’t surprise me a bit that he would do this.

  9. untucked_21ersey

    he’s a beast

    there’a gonna be some discourse about other african players not investing in their respective countries and i think that would be somewhat unfair. deng isnt the first nor the last african player to make nba money.

    the time to facilitate development of young players can’t be understated. he was involved at a granular level given he’s literally paying for hotel rooms and other incidentals on top of that. that’s a full time job. that takes vision beyond just dumping money into a program.

    not everyone can do this and that’s why deng is 1 of 1.

  10. Goolsby_Scroggins

    So proud of him and happy for him and the rest of the team.

    I know it’s pie in the sky thinking, but just imagine if the future of this team in any way can help South Sudan move forward as a country. What an incredible story it would be, and a cap on years of hard work by Luol.

  11. hammerSmashedNail

    Does Deng still get royalties from NBA jersey purchases?

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