@Indiana Pacers

Kerr: Team USA lineups based on players’ roles

So why is our boy standing in the corner doing nothing?

by pacmanrockshok


  1. pacmanrockshok

    “For us it’s very obvious watching games that having guys in their usual roles is very helpful,” Kerr said Friday…

  2. One_Ratio9521

    Cause dipshit Kerr doesn’t know how to use a true facilitator. He’s been spoiled with the best shooters of all time at guard and everyone else passes to them.

  3. FishingWorm

    The USA team’s offense is so boring compared to the offense the Pacers run. I’m not saying this as a Pacers homer either, as I grew up loving intense defense and those playoff teams that slugged it out with a high score in the 60’s. With that said, the beauty and intricacies of modern NBA offenses should be what all teams aspire towards, iso plays are garbage to watch.

  4. RedditRockit

    T-Hog has clearly not been utilized in his normal role. With that though, considering his defense, his playing time is probably where it should be. He has to get stronger and become a better defender to play with the best of the best.

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