@Toronto Raptors

Canada survives a late Spain rally as they go undefeated in the ”group of death”! 🔥

Canada survives a late Spain rally as they go undefeated in the ”group of death”! 🔥

by Dabadabade


  1. _ProcrastiNation_


  2. Desertsprinter

    Fantastic showing by team Canada during these three games

  3. WeBelieveIn4

    Our bigs may be lacking but our guard/wing defense is so strong

  4. heat_fan_

    This game was way closer then it needed to be Canada still got the job done 

    RJ coming in clutch with the dagger 

    SGA and Nembhard also played a great game too 

    Rip point differential 

  5. Nice, really hope this means they can avoid the USA until late. But the other teams are very strong, can’t underestimate anybody

  6. Oukasagetsu

    Big respect to brizuela, he was so clutch he had me shitting my breeches

  7. demarderollins

    Love this team and Canada will only be better by the next Olympics. Major core will still be young plus even more talent is coming

  8. brolybackshots

    I don’t think survives is the right word here, lol…

    There was 0 pressure on us this game while for Spain it was an elimination game

    Also, Spain never once grabbed the lead in that final 10 minutes and were playing catchup/comeback the entire time

  9. DashExplorer

    Nembhard was BALLING off the bench 8/10 shooting. 2/3 from 3! He was the one driving us forward when the bench unit was in the game.

  10. FolloMiSensi

    RJ looking niceeee. we’re going to catch teams off guard with bbq

  11. kristinacoxd

    That was a nail-biter! Canada did well to withstand the pressure. What were your thoughts on the key moments of the game

  12. carleese24



  13. Ginzeen98

    If they can barely beat spain, The US will put them through the ringer.

  14. AdSignificant6673

    Regarding team Spain. Who is their big shot player right now? Used to be the Gasol brothers.

  15. Anxious-Sir-1361

    Great win! But what is up with Murray!? At this point, I say give his minutes to Nembhard

  16. Well that was fucking tense. We need so much size in the front in the future, wow. We gave up so many second chance points which kept Spain around. It’s another gutsy win in the end.

    We will likely finish 3rd which means if all goes according to plan, we are seeing USA in the semi, as long as we can get past the first 3rd place finisher.

    EDIT: We have to find a way to will France to a win against Germany – shoutouts historical retribution! – and France as to do it by 3 pts or less.

  17. HippySpinach

    That’s cool. Still don’t want Brooks on the Raps.

  18. Karl_with_a_C

    That wasn’t the blowout win we wanted but it’s still a win and I’m happy!

    Did anyone else think it was weird that KO stayed on the bench after they made that great run with him on the floor in the 2nd?

  19. canadaguy416

    Got a bit sloppy at the end, but still managed to hold on

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