@Toronto Raptors

The Toronto Raptors bought a lottery pick…. for $1,000,000

A 1h 15min youtube video about our farmer !

by kito1990s


  1. Oukasagetsu

    You could have told me it’s pensare so I don’t have to click on it

  2. Oshoninja

    Pensare uses 1 hour and 15 minutes to say what could be said in 7. 

    He loves the sound of his own voice. 

  3. Annual_Plant5172

    Anyone that spends over an hour watching a video about this guy needs to find a hobby.

  4. Winter_Purpose8695

    I get it its Pensare, but nice to see an Joe Touomou interview and insights about Chomche

  5. Raptorsthrowaway1

    Like this pick up, but has the last pick of the draft ever had so much stanning? Same guys calling him a lotto pick will be the ones calling him a bust after one year of steady but slow development

    If this guy turns into a role playing second unit guy this is a huge success. This fanbase drawing comparisons to Giannis, it’s insane

  6. striderkan

    say what you want about pensare but at least the guy steps outside of his basement to touch base and interview people within the org. we don’t have many channels who do more than just sit in front of a camera and summarize what we already know.

    e: it’s difficult to take criticism of pensare seriously when you flunkies are dv anything that gives him even an ounce of credit, you unhinged lunatics

  7. Pensare has the Best breakdown and analysis of Basketball and the Raptors, and just about everything that is impacted by or impacts the game. If it’s not for you makes sense, but there are a lot of people who follows. With occasional tangents. Don’t agree with his politics, but that’s not why I listen.

    When I want to have a laugh or get hyped, I listen to Chev.

  8. FlamingOldMan

    I stumbled on Roberts stuff a couple of months ago and watched for a bit (not knowing some of his past actions). What really turned me off from him is he has almost zero respect for his audience. If somebody says something in chat that he disagrees with, there’s not room for discussion. He’ll call them a moron and drag them in chat for a couple of minutes. There’s some topics hes of course willing to discuss, but almost every live I dropped into, he’d insult someone.

    He also simply just doesnt let his guests talk (though most of them are pretty awful so I guess it’s not the worst thing). But he interrupts and doesn’t let people finish their sentences, it makes for a pretty frustrating watching experience.

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