@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron And Durant Called Most Prolific Olympians Ever 🤯👀

LeBron And Durant Called Most Prolific Olympians Ever 🤯👀


  1. Most prolific mens olympians?!?! Dude youre out of your mind. Theres a wrestler from Cuba going for 5th straight gold. People get multiple golds. Pure dominace. I get it, gotta ride the nba guys. They are savages, but best olympians? Naaaaahhhh

  2. I dunno what the franchises are supposed to do..they can't get 10 Max players on an NBA franchise like they have on team USA. Dumb ppl always try to compare apples to oranges

  3. They are the best olympians, as far as team sports go. I dont care for the olympics that much, but to me they are for the pther sports that dont get covered daily like basketball does. This is the time for people who snowboard, or people who do triple backflips, to shine and have their moment. Can we stop talking about lebron for fucking 1 month. Just 1 month to talk about other people other than kd and lebron and then going back in time to talk about MJ and the dream team. SHUT THE FUCK UPPP

  4. Give them what they deserve or they will stop playing for you and play for themselves and the people that love them and support them❤

  5. He is a waste of space. Those organizations gave them everything they needed and they lost. Just a excuse train rolling

  6. I’m so sick of Lebron. Used to like him, but his teams suck. If he’d go be a 6th man somewhere I’d watch for sure, but not as the face of any organization. I do like me some K D every now and then and like his shots. Lebron over sells and to be honest I’d just like to see some fresh faces out there. Being in the Olympics should be about youth. Not old guys stealing the spot light.

  7. So that should tell you. In a more physical era and less time. Bron has 4 chips in 21 years and Durand has 2 in 15yrs. Jordan had 6 rings in 12 years. Retired and missed 2 years. There will never be another 92 dream team. Average win number 43 points

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