@Philadelphia 76ers

This is so satisfying to read

This is so satisfying to read

by summerbryz


  1. SuriMuriPuri

    Worst fanbase in the league by a mile, even the Celtics fanbase is much better compared to those bums

  2. LCLeopards

    Can we ship Denver to Serbia? Asking for a friend…

  3. runnerd81

    KD still taking time out of his Olympic Gold medal pursuit to troll on Twitter 🐐

  4. StrngBrew

    There was a Nuggets fan in the r/NBA thread for this game saying how he thought it was sad that the US was celebrating a victory over a team of “amateurs” who have to work “normal jobs.”

    He’d created this fantasy that Jokic was the only professional player and had heroically carried a group of trash men and janitors against the great USA

  5. IndigoJacob

    Also KD:

    “Lets talk about the fan culture that’s been created recently. A lot of huge egos who believe they are the reason for the advancement of a sport. ALOT of idol worship, a lot of hate and division based off wins and losses, a lot of disrespect of the work being put in by these incredible athletes, mostly by people who don’t know what it takes to be good at anything besides talking…go do something and get out the way..”

  6. TantricEmu

    I’ve seen American nuggets fans pray for USA to lose. Treasonous behavior. These hoes ain’t loyal.

  7. doughball27

    If Jokic is the best player in basketball, I must no longer like basketball. He is a miserable thing to watch.

    If I want to watch basketball like he plays, I will head down to the YMCA.

  8. No player has done more to rehab his reputation than KD during these Olympics. Feels good to root for him .

  9. Shoeless_Jase

    I have a feeling a lot of NBA guys are sick of the Jokic slobber. KD just the type to say it out loud. Hes a real one for that.

  10. Doobie_Howitzer

    I’ve always loved KD, forget the drama he’s the realest baller

  11. PensiveinNJ

    I’m actively arguing with Americans who are justifying rooting against Team USA right now. It’s… Weird how many people are really unhappy that we won, despite being American.

  12. PwillyAlldilly

    I never hated Nuggets fans until yesterday. The amount of pussyfooting they do is ridiculous. Boohoo Jokic is on Serbia so we are going to root against the USA. Dont get me wrong the USA is a mess and half of America thinks an egotistical maniac orange man should be running the country but damn either way I’m not gonna root against us, I hate half the players on team USA but as soon as they put on that jersey I’m all for them.

  13. Americans rooting for Serbia bc of Jokic are corny af

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