@National Basketball Association

Jokic shook hands with every German coach and player before celebrating with his team.

Jokic shook hands with every German coach and player before celebrating with his team.

by DrunkLad


  1. AllDownHillFromHere

    Man did the same thing when he won his NBA Championship. 

  2. MrBuckBuck

    Dude is just down to Earth person (and not because of his low vertical jump), and it’s impossible not to like it.

    Nobody is perfect (the incident with Markieff Morris, even though the Morris brothers are jerks), but it’s like he is overall the ideal role model for all human beings. It doesn’t matter whether you managed to reach the top at your field – work hard, be humble, be kind to others, and don’t forget about what are the most important things in life.

    I’m just wondering how come his behavior is so much different from his brothers.

  3. Own-Snow-6033

    I started liking this dude after he won the nba finals and in the post game interview was so bummed to find out he had to go to the victory parade instead of just going home

  4. SnuggleMuffin42

    They are pumping “Freed From Desire” on every single event I’m dying lol

    It’s not even a French song!!

  5. Love this guy man. Go USA but I’m fcking glad he got a medal still

  6. That’s honestly super cool. There’s nothing to dislike about Jokic but sometimes the natural cynicist within me tries to find a reason to hate on him for ‘acting too cool for nba’ and bulshit like that. Man is legit a respectful guy who happens to be the best basketball player in the world. Bow down.

  7. Joker does his job with class. And probably wants to go home

  8. floating_falcon_

    Jokic is a class act. Dudes my favorite player in the NBA rn.

  9. Sure-Shopping-2953

    Thank god its over, Jokic’s summer vacation got ruined and it was time away from his horses. Thankfully its only once per 4 years.

  10. He’s a world class player, mad respect for Jokic

  11. von_Topic

    And now he can finally enjoy his horses after the season.

  12. thaillestofalltime

    What a treat to have the best player in the world also be an amazing, classy, and all around good dude. We really don’t deserve this

  13. First one in last one out the gym one of game.

    Makes all the right plays.

    Stays ready for every opportunity type guy.

  14. TinnieTa21

    While Embiid would likely just air-hump the crowd after such a win.

  15. TheDonutDaddy

    That’s what being the right kind of leader is, it went from just Jokic going through to a fully formed line with the Serbian team taking a break from their celebration to follow his lead. Jokic didn’t say a word to them, he just did the right thing, they saw him do it, and fell in

  16. Sesti-nator

    I don’t care if it’s bronze or gold. Class is always permanent

  17. ahorsenamedagro

    Class act all the way.

    Either that or he figures let me shake hands first and get everything out of the way so I can get back to my ponies/horses as soon as possible

  18. Smooth_Cry2645

    Compared to the clowns and divas in team USA. He’s a great role model.

  19. He’s one of the few I hate watching him play cause I keep finding myself rooting for the other team, and he’s so good. But after the game I also find myself liking him as a person. Seems like a proper dude. Which honestly makes me respect the way he plays more.

  20. SenorSolAdmirador

    he’s got a checklist of things that he needs to complete before getting back to his horses, and he’s just trying to get through them all, in whatever order is fastest

  21. BestSkierHere


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