@Philadelphia 76ers

Give us your boos!!!

We are nourished by your hatred!! The crotch chop on the gold medal stage brings a tear to my eye 🥲

by Fresh-Cucumber7891


  1. -TheRedFerret-

    Hahahaha i fucking love this !!! I’m Aussie but Biid got me screaming USA 🇺🇸 🔥🔥🔥😝😝😝 LFG TTP FTC … what an absolute legend and the best part is the big fella is healthy !! Coming home with the gold and ready to get this chip 🔥🔥🔥 FTC !!!

  2. PunishTraitorTrump

    French people booing Embiid are pathetic.

  3. Beastboy_4211

    Loving that the team joined in with Embiid


    Sneaking in the DX chop at the end was perfect.

  5. phila_kitten

    Jrue joining is poetic in terms of Process History

  6. thegrittyrn

    I love that the rest of the team had his back 

  7. l4rry_burner

    Did anyone else hear the boos turn to cheers? Pretty sure I did, and that’s cool.

  8. squatcharchist

    Great to see the big fella this happy.

  9. IOnlySeeDaylight

    The joy this brings me is immeasurable.

  10. Groovicity

    I hate Embiid haters more than I hate Tatum. Look at this team joining our boy! I fucking love this energy.

  11. Darthsat

    16 years living in Cameroon, 14 years living in the United States, 0 in France.

  12. Lurkerwasntaken

    Seeing Halliburton, Holiday, LeBron, KD, Derrick White, Steph Curry, and Anthony Edwards eggon the boos and Tatum laugh at the boos make me feel happy. I will miss them being his teammates. 🥹

  13. hammysandy

    They’re just salty they surrendered instead of trusting the process

  14. xychosis

    Look at Tatum have to turn around after the chops lmao

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