@Golden State Warriors

The 2024 Can Easily Beat the Dream Team!

The 2024 Can Easily Beat the Dream Team!

Media agree with Draymond Green, the Dream Team wouldn’t be able to hold the 2024 team.

#goldenstatewarriors #draymondgreen #dubnation #nba #draymondgreenshow

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  1. Prime 1992 wins, but in the state they were in when the olympics happened 2024 wins

  2. 24 wins at current form and prime doesnt matter. The 92 team dont have a chance. They were great for their era but the talent now its WAYYYYYY ahead

  3. Drexler, Malone, Ewing, Robinson Stockton, and Barkley were still in their prime.

    Jordan and Pippen, with those top caliper players, would destroy this 2024 team. It's not about the talent it's about the drive to win at all cost.

  4. Drey is right . Definitely right
    But when you talking if the guys were in their prime . I don't think so

  5. Cause f**k every other HOF’er on the ‘92 team right? 😂 Jordan would’ve ripped their hearts out. Barkley was the best on that team & very literally MVP form. Pippen was a top defender. Not one of the big on the ‘24 team could bang down low with Robinson or Malone ESPECIALLY euro rules 😭 ‘24 would be on their ass every weak ass pick they set

  6. These reporters need to get the Covid test. Maybe a HIV test or the aids test. IQ test. No way in hell that USA team will beat the dream team

  7. Prime Barkley, Jordan, Drexler, Malone, Stockton, Ewing, Robinson and young allmost Prime Pippen …

    The best defensive team ever – not even close.

    But ofc anything can happend – i wouldnt Bet against Jordan tho

  8. Basketball is not as big as today back then in 1992. People do not watch it much back then. They are not focusing in the sports much.

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