@National Basketball Association

Commentary for Steph Curry’s clutch Olympics moment in multiple languages

Commentary for Steph Curry’s clutch Olympics moment in multiple languages

by forever-punk


  1. ThingsAreAfoot

    The full french commentary at the end was hilarious, they were looking into the abyss and you could hear it in their voices

  2. HalfBear-HalfCat

    The Devil needs to stick as a secondary nickname for him.

  3. Stephs last 3, was in the air for nearly 2 seconds…smh

  4. Igoritzaa

    Korean – most awesome

    French – will be remembered as Diablo Curry

    German – someone please correct me, did the announcer just say: Stephen Curry Uber Niemcy ?

    It’s just adorable how French announcers freak out, and Korean ones sound awesome and in awe of what they are seeing.

    Bonus content: One of the most underrated moment in sports, and for me personally one of the greatest sports achievements, that is even better than the Olympic one this year: [Floria Guei recovers almost 40 meters of distance to win gold in 4×400, with French Commentators completely losing their mind in the process](

  5. Letmeseeyourprops

    Puts them to Beddy-bye! and the Night! Night! by the French team = 10/10.

  6. sergechewbacca

    French 2 is the best.

    Love the despair and appreciation at the same time.

  7. Floppy_Jet1123

    Opponent or supporter, you were going to cheer for that!

    Unbelievable show!

  8. Top-Ocelot-9758

    Korean annnouncers were unbelievably hype

  9. PaxDinero

    Prepared by the Chef”

    All-time call

  10. There_can_only_be_1

    I mean this has to be the best Olympic basketball game in history right, especially when it comes to the last quarter? I don’t think there’s ever been an ending to that level.

  11. homerdough

    This vid is just an excuse to watch those highlights 10 more times in quick succession. Love it

  12. Johnpecan

    Paul George commentary: “That’s a bad shot.”

    (Let’s be honest, anyone who saw that last shot live go up was thinking this at least a little bit)

  13. DevinBookersKobes

    “Curry… with the house specialty!!” Goes hard

  14. RevolutionaryDrive5

    that was really cool and good upload

    I didn’t know DubHQ guy did this really good

  15. Oxyquatzal

    It’s just an incredible treat that the world got to see this. LeBron’s the greatest player of this generation, but Steph is the most unbelievable player. When he’s hot, it just doesn’t seem real.

  16. Freddedonna

    The Spanish commentators switching to perfect “movie trailer” English voice with zero accent when saying US player’s names fucking sent me lol

  17. YoungGambinoMcKobe

    The French commentary going into full existential dread was so funny

  18. migsaawesome

    French comm just gave up and said Night Night as well lmao time to sleep

  19. bershka321

    Le Diable is a cool ass nickname. Not sure if it beats Skyfucker but it’s close

  20. mecon320

    “This devil named Curry is hurting us” needs to be printed all over GS merch, pronto.

  21. The-Pharcyde

    Korean commentators never fail lol. Always hype af no matter what the sport.

  22. vapemyashes

    Does anybody remember the time Steph curry played basketball in the Olympics?

  23. Mdizzle29

    I just wanna say I’m really enjoying all these clips. Thank you for posting! This was probably the best Olympics ever in terms of entertaining basketball. I’m glad everyone got to see the Steph Curry show that we all enjoyed as Dubs fans over the years. It’s something else.

  24. Bryneosaur

    I cannot stop watching these highlights it’s actually one of the greatest sports moments I’ve ever witnessed live

  25. bailaoban

    “Devil named Curry is haunting us!”

    Welcome to the club, Frenchie.

  26. Silken_Splendor

    Shoutout to Eric Apricot, he makes the best video recaps for Warriors and a couple for team USA

  27. I just want to give thanks to the French commentator for “Devil named Curry is hurting us”

    unbelievable all time call that encapsulates so many different emotions lol

  28. hypermog

    DAE get flashbacks of playing NBA JAM and you’re on fire and you simply need to get to the arc to score but the opponents are viciously trying to smother you before you do it? And all that matters is getting the shot off since the outcome is guaranteed?

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