@Denver Nuggets

Nikola Jokić in front of Belgrade crowd tonight

Nikola Jokić in front of Belgrade crowd tonight

by dzoalt


  1. SustainableMaple

    Man, it’s so cool that you can tell how much it means to him. Love this.

  2. virus5877

    what is the crowd chanting?? I assume it’s some nickname?

  3. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    Knowing all he’s been through and how he’s been treated in the past, this is so awesome to see.

    #Zauvek Jokara

  4. Live-Turnover-442

    The intro for him was hilarious: “This guy really likes horses, imagine what would be if he liked basketball.” 😀

  5. Word_Iz_Bond

    Was this just for basketball or the whole Serbian olympic team?

  6. MagnusFlammenberger

    Just to add a bit of context if it wasn’t obvious or mentioned before:

    Its a national tradition to greet the team of any sport when they win a medal in front of the Belgrade City Council;
    the team/players come on to this balcony, and the people wait for them – the time is usually announced on the national media about a day in advance (usually around 9pm, if I am not mistaken).

    There should be loads of videos of this type of greets on YT.

    Forgive my stupidity, but does this sort of thing occur in every country? Seems logical that it would 🙂

  7. Jameski_25

    So, does Jokic end up with a chant to the tune of Free From Desire?

  8. 3rdtryatremembering

    By the time Jokic retires, “MVP” is gonna feel like his personal chant and be weird when you hear it for anyone else.

  9. IcyCity3228

    You can see Jokic wants to be part of a team not to be a ISO player becase they have no place in a team based sport. The lone wolf dies but the pack survives!

  10. Nixbling

    That’s my king


  11. fsystem32

    No bronze medal around their necks because they know they were ripped off for gold.

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