@Boston Celtics

(Weiss) This is about what the Celtics are going to do as they transition to new ownership…I’ve heard from team sources is that the front office wants to keep this going for several years, and Jrue Holiday’s four-year extension was a good indicator that this is more than a one-year window.

(Weiss) This is about what the Celtics are going to do as they transition to new ownership…I’ve heard from team sources is that the front office wants to keep this going for several years, and Jrue Holiday’s four-year extension was a good indicator that this is more than a one-year window.

by tacko2020


  1. tacko2020

    Aka, don’t let FSG get the team and ruin this

  2. SquirtleInHerMeowthh

    Honestly anyone but FSG. Luckily they signed our entire core to a long-standing contract before handing the tax bill to the next owner.

  3. Tatum-Better

    My predictions are that Al will probably retire after next year, Porzingis will likely be traded 2-3 years from now, jrue will likely be traded in the 2nd or 3rd year then retire after the 4th. JB, JT and D White will be here until the meat falls off the bone. Payton will likely be here for most of his contract too. Sam could be traded because as good as he is, 3 and Average to Above Average D players will be a dime a dozen and we wouldn’t be able to afford him long term. But I’m just a guy on reddit🤷🏿‍♂️

  4. nerdyykidd

    Can’t overstate that Wyc staying on for the next few years is a massive help, too

  5. beat_u2_it

    Old or new owners, why wouldn’t they want to keep winning championships?

  6. 9bfjo6gvhy7u8

    > the front office wants to keep this going for several years

    “i would like to continue to spend unlimited money and win championships”

    more at 11

  7. ericdeben

    Can someone explain why people are opposed to Fenway Sports Group owning the Celtics?

    I know they cheaped out by trading Mookie Betts in 2020 after not making the playoffs in 2019, but prior to that they won 4 World Series Championships 2004-2018. Is it just because people liked Mookie and the Sox haven’t been very good since that trade, or is it something else?

  8. thegeneral54

    Either journalists are getting this sale wrong or Wyc needs to re-explain as to what is going on with the team. It was my understanding that only his family’s share was being sold off and that is *not* 51% of the team, and more so 51% of whatever majority stake his father owns. And my assumption with the certainty that Wyc seems solidified in his position as Governor until 2028 is that this share would not make the new owner a majority owner (unless it is Pags). They’ll only become majority when the sale is completed with the other 49% of the share in 2028.

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