@Miami Heat

Tyler weight Gain

Tyler putting on some weight. Hopefully he can keep it on and stay healthy.

by Wd527


  1. Did he finally shave his face!?!? Hoping it’s a yes

  2. lomasturbasmeng

    y’all do this every year

    all he did was get a haircut lol

  3. RobertoF97

    I doubt buddy can keep up with the caloric fuck ton he needs to intake in order to maintain this. Running about 2 miles per game is gonna shed all that real quick

  4. Ill-Zookeepergame358

    He looks the same.. maybe his arms are a tad bigger?

  5. Nuclearsunburn

    Did his arms grow another 3” per arm? No? Still the same player

  6. hikik0_m

    there was some good i saw in some games last year when herro was bumping smaller guards down low a bit and finishing instead of defaulting on his floater game. He doesnt have long arms but he might as well try the jimmy route and get stronger.

  7. Mezothelioma

    Yeah I’m sure Tyler is working hard he’s a good player but if he can’t stay healthy it doesn’t matter if people think he’s trash or people worship him my thing is if you can’t stay healthy then what does it matter?

  8. Proof-Research-6466

    He gains weight all the fine in the offseason then loses it during the year because of all the cardio he does.

  9. Roy Hibbert gained a bunch of muscle before he fell off of a cliff

  10. BeepBoopGoteem

    “Ian gon hol ya but bruh chill out Tyler. Lol fatass.”


  11. achickenquesadilla

    He looks lighter than his listed weight (195) here lol?

  12. Crystal_Teardrops

    He has the body of a ballet dancer

  13. iliveonramen

    For Herro it’s not about the off season work. He just loses it all by December.

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