@Minnesota Timberwolves

1) Most underrated T’wolves player of All-time?

All of the other NBA team subs have one going, let’s start it up!

Will tally upvotes per player to determine winner in each category. This should be interesting…


by GoldToothRolling


  1. this_good_boy

    I think Ricky will always be most underrated. We’ve sucked for long enough where I think we got hyped on any guy that would generally go underrated lol.

    People here still have mixed feelings on Ricky when he was unquestionably playing really good ball here. Like the core of his magic is that casuals just say “can’t shoot” and think that’s it, when he clearly made every team he played for better.

  2. Tim-oBedlam

    Most underrated: Pekovic, until he got hurt. He was a real force around the basket, with a soft touch and good footwork for as big as he was.

  3. WallStreetDoesntBet

    Pooh Richardson — Underrated Timberwolves player in the early 90s

  4. Seal_Coast

    Name wise probably Wally, but I think people forget Kevin Martin averaged 20 a game for us a couple years when that was a hard thing to do

  5. impaulpaulallen

    Michael williams could ball. IIRC once held the nba record for most consecutive made FT’s.

  6. blusunsamurai

    Rudy… He gets so much hate people don’t really appreciate his value especially if you go over to r/NBA 

  7. ChiefWiggins22

    AK47. Maybe not for his MN time but as an overall player he was always extremely underrated.

  8. tomdawg0022

    Ty Corbin getting benched and then traded was arguably one of the dumbest things our franchise ever did. IMO, he probably was one of the best Wolves players of the Muss era and was a very good glue guy on that team.

    Jimmy Rodgers, Jim Brewer, and Bob Stein were basketball terrorists of the highest order.

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