@Houston Rockets

ESPN favorite team icon

Does the Rockets favorites icon look as horrible as this on everyone’s ESPN app, or is it just mine?
Or just more hate/indifference from the Mickey Mouse sports channel?

by 00Avalanche


  1. KingRiley94

    Astros are iconic at this point. However, after CJ brings us 3 straight Super Bowl Championships…. 🤔

  2. recursion8

    Blame the logo designers for bad legibility. Shape is too thin (especially the ‘rocket trails’ on the botom of the R) so you can’t put a proper black or white stroke around it to differentiate it from the background. I’m sure the ESPN app just auto-picks a color for the button based on the dominant color of the logo, which for the Rockets is the ONLY color on the logo (another poor design choice). Red on red with no stroke es no bueno. Graphic design 101.

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