@Houston Rockets

Expectations for Jalen Green

Just curious what people are looking for from Jalen to be comfortable giving him an extension.

In truth, it will probably come down to more than the raw numbers, but right now basketball-reference has him projected for per-36 stats of:

22.7 points

4.0 assists

5.3 rebounds

55.5 TS%

For reference, since he only played like 32 minutes last year, his per-36 were:

22.3 points

4.0 assists

5.9 rebounds

54.1 TS%

Granted I know nothing about how those projections are made, but it results in a very modest increase in points and efficiency while dropping down about half a rebound. Better as a whole, but do you think the Rockets offer him a max deal with those numbers? Does it depend on team record, on-off impact, etc?

What do you think the team needs to see for them to offer Jalen a max?

by ElChapo1515


  1. htownballa1

    “What do you think the team needs to see for them to offer Jalen a max?”

    A playoff appearance.

  2. freshkicks12

    My expectations are that he will continue on the same page we’ve seen the past 3 years. 19ppg on 40% FG with decent playmaking and average defense.

  3. purvisshort

    This very reasonable question, followed up by meaningful and useful data, is going to blow up!

    I’ve thought more than a fan should about the possibilities for Jalen Green, because of the ramifications on future contracts for getting his extension wrong. There’s so much potential on this roster. And arguably, his floor is lower than almost all of the other youngins, because it’s based on years of weird performance during a very bad period of Rockets basketball. We were trying to lose basketball games by the dozens. That’s only possible by increasingly playing the worst combination of players, and hoping they play their worst. JG’s record is dominated by those years.

    When you isolate for his performance under Ime, and how he responded through the 4th quarter benchings, all things are looking up. He’s no longer the worst rebounder in the league. He’s making progress as a decision maker, limiting his drives to no where. He’s still taking more ill-advised 3s than his shooting percentage dictates, but they have been going in more often.

    He’s singing for his soup this year, which means likely he has to find a symbiotic relationship with the Flamingo. They often play their best ball apart, which suggests the Rox will have to pick a lane. Assets must be maximized.

    As a fan, he’s an electric player who’s still really young, and he’s getting better in real ways before our eyes. I’ll posit this: his future with the team depends more on his decision making and his complementary play with Alpi.

    It’s highly likely he’s a piece of a trade with future picks to land us a monster. Not because he’s bad, but because he’s so good, and we have cheaper replacements for him.

  4. Few_Mulberry7362

    My dream is something like 23/5/5 on 59% TS. What will probably happen is bball refs per 36 stats. Dude has just not shown to be efficient or consistent

  5. thumper7

    I’d be very happy with 20-5-4 with efficient fg% and locked in defensively

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