@National Basketball Association

Lebron James shoots (and misses) a free throw with his eyes closed

Lebron James shoots (and misses) a free throw with his eyes closed

by OddBank9124


  1. OctopusNation2024

    LeBron definitely isn’t comfortable enough at the line to begin with to pull this off lol

    73.6% career FT which is on the low side for a non-big

  2. goatpigrabbit

    Mans can barely shoot with his eyes open, although give him credit for shooting ft’s better last season

  3. ImagineDragonsFan6

    Lost potential GOAT status when he left Miami

  4. Sweet_Agent70

    Lmao..wishes he was Jordan so bad. First, shitty Space Jam remake. This shitty Blind free-throw attempt. Whats next, he gonna buy a shitty NBA team?

  5. National_Secret_5525

    🌽 🏀 2nd greatest but number 1 lamest 

  6. SnooMarzipans5767

    Lol these comments are off to a good start.

    But at this point Lebron can airball on purpose and lose 0 legacy points for it.

  7. I refuse to engage with anyone who doesn’t think this is funny af 😂 love corny bron

  8. Young-Pizza-Lord

    Not like he had to make that. Pistons can’t close games hahaha

  9. Dead_tread

    Bro assembled the goofball avengers in the comments

  10. Ajernaca

    holy shit people hate lebron just read these comments lmao

    hey yall aint wrong, he’s failed a lot and he’s corny but what does that make all of you putting out these hating ass comments like he’s gonna read it lol

    you guys don’t exist in lebron or jordan’s mind no matter how much you dickride lol

  11. Changnesia102

    The LeBron hate is so ridiculous. Y’all need to chill.

  12. Hidden_Seeker_

    The basketball Gods had to give him a weakness to keep him humble

  13. Trailblazin15

    The hate is crazy in this post. Bron would probably be the first to repost this and laugh at himself for it lol

  14. selfostracised

    This sub has turned into twitter comments damn wtf is up with all the negativity and hate

  15. ultgambit266

    Another reason on why Jordan is better than LeBum

  16. LocoMotoNYC

    So many things wrong with that shot.

    Lebron was falling away is one thing. And two, if you noticed, he puts his head down and closes his eyes. When Jordan made his shot, he looked up at the basket, closed his eyes, and made the same motion he did thousands of times.

    EDIT: formatting.

  17. Jeremy9096

    Future me who has already read the comments, surely people are simply laughing about this goofy play and not, perhaps, using this as an argument as to why Jordan was better, right?

  18. Progression4

    You cannot be “a goat” there is only only “THE GOAT” stop this

  19. NowLoadingReply

    You’re not that guy pal, trust me, you’re not that guy.

  20. ancientgamer93

    Well that answers the goat debate 🤣

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