@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Kobe gets inside the head of Jeremy Lin

[Highlight] Kobe gets inside the head of Jeremy Lin

by matzan


  1. OKCDraftPick2028

    I wonder what the practices look like when he have chris mihm and smush parker

  2. Chickenbeans__

    I would cry if Kobe was talking like this to me

  3. exhale358

    Lmao lose lose situation. He shoots when he’s not ready and misses or passes and gets called a coward. Ruthless

  4. ImARebelBitch

    You’re supposed to practice to get better as a team. Not shit talk your teammates and storm off.

  5. Russ_Culture

    another example of kobe being an absolute asshole and getting worshipped for it.

  6. Wavepops

    Kobe does not like playing with score first point guards lol

  7. Cuts_you_up

    Lol look at Nick Young pretending to play hard.

  8. Better title:

    “Kobe being an asshole and demoralizing his own teammate.”

  9. Routine-Spite-4167

    Holy shit he was mean lol. Im sure jordan was a way way way meaner teammate tho

  10. Electrical_Edge_6575

    “You can’t win without me”

    Kobe Bryant shot 39% from 2 and 29% from three that season. The team went 17-65. They were bad without him and just as bad with him.

  11. Ok_Translator4447

    So what do you guys think other teams are saying when they’re on the court. You don’t believe Kevin Garnett did this same thing in practice? Gary Payton? We know Jimmy Butler did it with Minnesota. Certain players bring that intensity. Either I’ll demoralize you or the other team does. Trash talking 94 feet. You don’t back down. A competitive sport.

    People called Kobe an asshole because he required certain skill sets and characteristics in his teammates. You don’t hear any of this with Gasol, Odom, Bynum. Even Shannon Brown. But when he was with losing teams and let it be known, it’s such a negative thing.

  12. thiccboys22

    A lot of people in this comment section have never played competitive team sports if they yelled at a teammate to try and motivate them to do better. Lmao

  13. Billbuckingham

    I’ll be real that seemed like the tame parts of the video to me 😂

    He even was nice and explained the lesson “talked his ass right into that bullshit” saying don’t listen to me either go on the drive and blow by or actually make the shot.

    The response to that trash talk, is hitting the shot in his face and talking shit back saying he can’t guard you quit talking.

    Pretty sure that’s what he was trying to inspire, ya he was being an asshole, but what do you think the other team is gonna be saying to make you fuck up in a real game they’re trying to beat you in?

  14. carvemynuts

    Reading the comments here made realize most of you doesnt even play rec ball. This is normal shit. Lol.

  15. what the fuck are wrong with these comments lol. this is tame

  16. Ok_Sound_8090

    Kobe was always an asshole, but even moreso his last few seasons. Man’s body could no longer keep up with his win mentality. He became much more chill after he retired.

  17. Comfortable_Heat9004

    10 years ago, we had kobe and linsanity
    10 years later, no kobe, and no linsanity

  18. blinkomatic

    Funny thing is everyone defending Kobe at the the 3 line did the same thing to him.

  19. xxxIAmTheSenatexxx

    Missing the best part of the footage.

    *end of practice team huddle* “Put him out his misery coach, put him out of his misery.”

    “1,2,3 Lakers!”

  20. Zoguinha

    Jeremy Lin won in the end cause he’s still alive

  21. baylonedward

    Ben Simmons would probably declare mental health issue after 1 season practicing with Kobe.

  22. prodigus01

    Kobe probably shot 6-30 in the game after this practice and blamed his teammates for the L.

  23. This can be an effective way to get the best out of SOME people.

    But that’s the problem, this treatment only works on a relative small percentage of the population.

    It’s just not practical to go with this strategy when the majority of the population does not respond beneficially to this.

    There’s not enough people who respond positively to this to fill the positions and roles that need to be filled in a society, let alone a basketball team needs.

    Stubbornly sticking to this strategy only works if you get lucky and happen to draw the same mentalities. Otherwise you’re just spinning your wheels.

    Kobe is a great player, no doubt about that.

    But he probably could have achieved even more greatness if he recognized that just because this treatment worked for him, doesn’t mean it works for most people.

    The mark of a true leader is one who recognizes what kind of motivation works for each of his followers.

    Kobe is an all time great basketball player. But he was an absolute shit leader.

  24. KirbyBucketts

    Kinda off topic but I just looked up Lin’s stats. He only played 35 games for the Knicks? In my head it was like 2-3 seasons.

  25. imminentjogger5

    Me in the rec league minding my own business

  26. eexxiitt

    Or maybe Lin was trying to run a play or initiate the offence. If everyone had “mamba mentality” everyone would just be jacking up shots.

  27. highkey_lowkey1

    Kobe also held grudges. Probably still mad when Lin scorched him and the Lakers during his New York linsanity run.

  28. jejsjhabdjf

    So when rating and ranking Kobe, you have to assess stuff like this and ask did it do more good or more harm?

  29. pootywitdatbooty

    [“Highlight”] Rapist Kobe Bryant harasses another player

    I got that for you

  30. ozzyteebaby

    lol the funny thing is that jlin thrives on belief and love, if Kobe would’ve taken Lin on his squad and gassed him up the results would’ve been much different. Unfortunately Kobe went to the MJ school of leadership and that shit doesn’t work for everyone

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