@National Basketball Association

Sexual assault suit v. Dwight Howard dropped

Sexual assault suit v. Dwight Howard dropped

by Rivinstein


  1. veerkanch489

    False claims of sexual assault? Stupid as hell.

  2. Rivinstein

    “This is nothing more than a classic case of unrequited love,” Howard’s lawyers wrote in the December filing obtained by ESPN. “After one consensual evening together, Mr. Howard was no longer interested in keeping Mr. Harper’s company.” 

  3. mogwai316

    Turns out he was just a lil nasty sometimes, after all.

  4. EaglesXLakers

    oh man, r/nbacirclejerk gonna be in shambles.

  5. Juaniscool-8

    Nah he’s fine. Just a little nasty sometimes but nothing to warrant sexual assault

  6. DarthRathikus

    He got tired of knocking up women. Was experimenting with bussy babies. Just science y’all. Lil nasty science.

  7. SnooPies6274

    Yall are insane in here 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Edit: btw F yall he was my favorite player at one point 😭

  8. nowadaysyouth

    I invite you to my house, I suck your dick, and this is how you repay me?! This was your wish, not mine.

  9. Impossible-Past4795

    Must be hard to be an NBA star all them thots and IG models lining up tryna get knocked up by them for generational wealth. Man I’d be switching up to dudes in no time too. Ain’t gonna worry about paying child support.

  10. See. No big deal just a Lil nasty sometimes. Ion wanna offend you

  11. Naismythology

    Dwight admitted last year (through his lawyer) that the events that this guy alleged took place, so we’ve known he wasn’t straight for a while. But does this change anyone’s opinion of the guy? Maybe within the league, but I really don’t think most fans would care, would they? Basketball fans seem fairly progressive overall.

  12. Lost_Hunter3601

    He should’ve never even been charged with anything in the first place. All he did was the same things everyone who steps foot onto a basketball court already does.

    Like attacking the rim, diving after loose balls, sticking to his man, flopping on some D. What’s wrong with that? All basketball players do it

  13. The_11nth_Wing

    I know everyone is making jokes and some of them are funny but this is genuinely a fucked up situation for Dwight. He got outed in the worst possible way and accused of assault when he was still making an effort to get back into the NBA.

  14. Admiralporkchops587

    To me this is like, where were you when you found out Kobe died? Where were you when you found out Dwight likes dick? My answer is the same for both. The Barrens chat.

  15. WorkFoundMyOldAcct

    Man I really missed a lot of the Dwight Howard tea. 

    I have no idea what a little nasty means. 

  16. berriesnbball_17

    It’s a shame Dwight Howard will be remembered just for being a little nasty rather than the great personality and player he was. Even growing up a Celtics fan during his prime he was such a fun player to watch and root for. The Dunk contests, Suite life of Zach and Cody appearance , and his positive attitude made him a very likable and larger than life player to have in the league as a kid along with Lebron and Wade.

  17. TigersOrcasBrisket

    This why sexual assault cases shouldn’t be public until a person is charged or loses the case. This stain will never come out. Dwight got cancelled, mocked, and probably lost his career because someone decided to say he assaulted them. Dwight is also a southern, black Christian from a Christian family. I doubt he wanted to be out either.

    It takes more than an accusation to get most crimes taken seriously. Why does it take a single accusation from one person to ruin someone’s life or get them cancelled?

  18. SignificantMoose6482

    Poor guy…… imagine huge D Howard forcing himself on him.

  19. RVAIsTheGreatest

    The key to this story is indeed that:

    a) there was no pay off

    b) there was no settlement in general where admittance of any guilt was made

    c) the case was dropped with prejudice and Howard cannot refile

    Guess what? It’s yet another story of a famous man who is accused of something with at best hazy evidence. In this case, people made a lot of jokes and homophobic digs, and focused solely on the homosexuality of the story, and are still basically doing that here, not the **non-consensual allegation,** which Dwight denied from the absolute jump….and here we are. And as said by a few others, the fact the case was dropped will never get the headlines the accusation did.

    The fact the case got dropped and the overall facts of the situation here aren’t any shock really because it happens a lot, but the homophobia aspect of it is something that should be rehashed but won’t be. And it’s why people don’t come forward who’ve truly been victimized, because they know what’ll happen if they do. That’s the worst part about this story beyond what seems to be a false accusation against Dwight which obviously is horrible.

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