@National Basketball Association

Lou Williams shares an epic story of how Kobe once told the young Lakers players that if he was the GM, he would trade them all away. Also Kobe would confiscate teammate’s Kobe shoes because he thought they were not good enough to wear them

Lou Williams shares an epic story of how Kobe once told the young Lakers players that if he was the GM, he would trade them all away. Also Kobe would confiscate teammate’s Kobe shoes because he thought they were not good enough to wear them



  1. lopea182

    Ngl Kobe was probably an awful vet to pair up with rookies.

    This story about him screams “confidence-killing asshole,” not “epic”.

  2. JohnSmithSensei

    I don’t know much about this Kobe but he sounds like a real jerk.

  3. yakkabrori

    I don’t know why so many people adore this guy? In every story about him he either comes off as a rapist or a total psychopath asshole.

  4. Wavepops

    Kobe out of his prime on a team built to lose brought back all the bad parts of ego. In his prime when he was the lakers were in their championship window or a little past it, he wasn’t acting like this. But the stories about smush Parker, then later with guys like j Lin, are consistent. 

  5. Lou is one guys that played with AI and Kobe. What an amazing set of scorers to learn from.


    This Kobe hate parade on this subreddit is willlllddddddddd

  7. Purple-Peace-7646

    How is this epic? Just an asshole who was really good at basketball

  8. mikehulse29

    Kobe trying to do the Jordan schtick without being Jordan. Tale as old as time.

  9. ezekielBmb

    Slow time in r/nba? Post Kobe hit pieces for easy karma. This is like the 4th one in the last couple days. Go outside and shoot some hoops or something. So boring

  10. Scrizzy6ix

    What’s up with all the recent “Kobe was an asshole” propaganda going on.

  11. MoneyMakingMitch1

    r/nba feels more offended by Kobe and his “ways” than the actual players that was with him. Soft. You clowns in here and Kob hate threads are soft.

  12. Cheezy_Dick_Itch

    Fuck Kobe Week is in full swing, I see.

  13. MuayHigh024

    My favorite player ever but all the stories you’ve seen and heard and even from his own mouth screams dickhead to me.

    Not speaking to teammates at all and ghosting them for no reason is just childish.

    And maybe the younger were soft like charmin but as the captain its your job to build them up and instill confidence in them and not let them get big headed.

    Roy Keane could be an asshole to players but only if they weren’t performing up to standards or they weren’t focused. If you were putting the work in he would treat you fairly.

  14. Again more cry babies crying about Kobe because they never won shit.
    Another thread for E hugs through upvotes with that dopamine rush😂😂 go touch grass ayo

  15. Bro this is like the 5th post in 2 days I’ve seen about Kobe doing generally awful stuff to his teammates and shit what’s going on? Why the smear campaign now lol

  16. Betelgeuse-2024

    What’s with the Kobe stories lately?

  17. Historical-Patient75

    I once played roulette with Lou Williams at the horseshoe in Tunica. 3 am. Late night. At the $5 minimum table no less.

    Went to the Grizz game the next day and I think he hung 35 on us lmao. Couldn’t even be mad.

    Lou is cool.

  18. coacoanutbenjamn

    One of the worst teammates in NBA history

  19. ImRightShutUp1

    MJ & Kobe being shitty teammates is looked at as being a dawg mentality lol Ppl were calling Lebron a terrible teammate for subtweeting KLove🤣

  20. ImRightShutUp1

    MJ & Kobe being shitty teammates is looked at as being a dawg mentality lol Ppl were calling Lebron a terrible teammate for subtweeting KLove🤣

  21. Just shows you folks. If you’re really good at what you do it doesn’t matter how much of an asshole you are. Sports, Entertainment, it’s all the same.

  22. ThatDudeNamedMenace

    “Kobe was nuts about winning, more at 11”

  23. trimble197

    And this is a story that Lou was willing to share. I can only imagine the stories that he wants to take to his grave or only tell in private.

  24. RKKP2015

    Seems like Kobe was a really egotistical prick.

  25. Is this shit on Kobe week. Seems like all these old stories and clips are being posted for karma whoring.

  26. downgoesbatman

    Tbf just referenced the Kimmel video with Kobe. That’s his teammate who was celebrating when they barely won 27 games that season …if I were him? I’d be pissed too.

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