@National Basketball Association

ESPN Stephen A. Smith on Kwame Brown for Pau Gasol Trade

Generational moment in NBA history as the lakers traded Kwame Brown and scraps for Pau Gasol.

by OKCDraftPick2028


  1. BradWonder

    Is it bad that I want Risacher to be a bust so that we could possibly get another epic rant like this? I know we can all hear Stephen A saying “REE-SAW-SHAY”

  2. Uberballer

    The segment with him and Bill Walton together reacting to the trade was even funnier. I still remember where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news and watching their first game together against the Nets (and how Kobe broke his finger that game).

    Man that was so long ago now that Beadle was still a sideline reporter for the YES network back then. Fuck I’m getting old.

  3. Kwame is connected somewhere. Lotta people have given on air apologies to him after trashing him, including Stephen A Smith

  4. erldn123

    It was a wild question tbf, like how on earth is that too much for Pau Gasol lol

  5. It’s so wild that they traded brothers for each other. 

    I remember at the time people mocking Kobe because he publicly complained about the Lakers including Marc in this trade, even though Marc was a 2nd round pick who hadn’t even made the NBA yet. Props to Kobe on that one. 

  6. OwningTheWorld

    I think he apologized later on in his career for what he said about Kwame brown. But his “Bonafide Scrub” comment will live rent free in my head.

  7. substantial_rip42069

    lol, was he born with that hairline

  8. StOnEy333

    “He’s a scrub! No disrespect at all, but he can’t play!” Say wha? lol

  9. alphalobster200

    I always found it noteworthy the Grizzlies decided to donate Pau Gasol to the Lakers. they did get the rights to Marc Gasol, but Marc was a throw-in that absolutely no one considered a valuable trade asset at the time of the trade.

    I also found it noteworthy that the Grizzlies would go on to jump 4 spots in the lottery in the 2009 lotto. what a coincidence.

  10. spanther96

    I know hindsight is 20/20 but among the realistic PFs the Lakers could have gotten, Pau was by far the best one for the Lakers. Jermaine was pretty cooked by the 07-08 season and was becoming injury prone; Boozer was nice but more of a one dimensional player. Pau was a high skill high IQ guy that meshed super well with Kobe and didn’t need to stay in the paint which allowed Bynum to get good minutes as well.

  11. Laboveron99

    the heart, the passion or anything that comes with it!

  12. GotMoFans

    Bad trade at the time but worked out for the Grizz due to Marc Gasol.

  13. This is the clip that probably saved Stephen A’s career.

  14. I always felt bad for Kwame Brown. Granted, he put together a respectable career despite not really doing himself any favors after he was drafted, but he was also in a really tough spot.

    His sister had some type of medical issue and the main reason he jumped from high school to the NBA was because his family needed the money to care for her. If he had better people advising him at the time, he could have figured out a solution to borrow money based on future career earnings since he was so highly rated and gone to college, but that’s neither here nor there.

    He’s one of the best examples I can think of when talking about players that could have REALLY used some time playing in the NCAA. Some guys really benefit from the experience and I think he would have been one of them.

  15. this trade always amazes me because at the time I never saw Pau as someone that woulda elevated the lakers as much as he did. They basically became title contenders overnight from that trade

  16. HypersonicHalibut

    This was my alarm for a while. It worked really well.

  17. 2025Champions

    >He was a qualified scrub! He can’t play! No disrespect…


  18. “This man was a bonafide scrub. No disrespect whatsoever. He can’t play.”

  19. Puppetmaster858

    “The man was a bonafide scrub,he can’t play,no disrespect whatsoever” is one of the funniest lines ever

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