@Toronto Raptors

Kawhi won the best Raptor by far so we can go to the Next category, who’s the worst Raptor?

The comment with most upvotes wins, any player from Raptors history can be selected and a player can win more than one category (please don't take this as serious, it is just a chance to have an healthy discussion ☺️)

by tomasmcarneiro


  1. Emergency_Rub2621

    Malik Williams. May be the worst player in NBA history. Didn’t even have ONE glance of potential that you’d expect with a G-Leaguer.

  2. Adventurous-Airline

    For the amount of PT they got, Jalen McDaniels might be the one. That could just be recency bias. Aron Baynes is definitely up there too. I think it should be someone who was on the roster and getting minutes for a good portion of a season.

  3. Von_Lipwig_

    Shouldn’t this be jontay porter or the guy we dropped following alleged SA? (His name escapes me)

  4. creekcrosser29

    Jalen McDaniels for sure . Not often you get to have the absolute worst player in the nba at the time on your roster who actually plays

  5. Hash_n_Eggs

    Dragic, Alonso, or Gay. Any of them SOB’s

  6. Axelrod_

    Why hasn’t anyone mentioned Hedo Turkgalu or Goran Dragic?

  7. theabomination

    Aaron Baynes.

    The man played like his hands were lathered in Vaseline I couldn’t believe his inability to hold the ball or even finish simple layups. And we didn’t even have a choice but to play him, we had no bigs!

    It was a terrible thing that happened to him with his injury, I’m glad he’s recovered.

  8. CannabisNotCantnabis

    Alonzo Mourning. Prick wouldn’t even come here.

  9. Crypticbeing12

    Rafael …. Dishonorable mention Ed Davis

  10. coolmike67

    Recency bias will really skew the answers here with guys like Baynes, and McDaniels

    We also had a lot of terrible players as well but the most notable ones barely played so it didn’t really matter.

    Doing a quick scan of all the Raptors, their games played and their minutes played, I singled out a few players here.

    Rafael Araujo – 111 games, 12mpg, average of 3/3/0.3
    Michael Stewart – 121 games, 8.7mpg, average of 1.4/2/0.1
    John Thomas – 115 games, 10.8mpg, average 2.8/2.1/0.2
    Malachi Flynn – 175 games, 15mpg, averages of 5.4/1.6/2.0
    DJ Augustin – 10 games, 8pg, averages of 2.1/0.4/1.0

    It’s probably unfair to put Malachi in the conversation but I was just surprised that he played 175 games with us and probably showed 1 or 2 flashes of potential (end of his rookie year being one of them) lmao

    I did mention DJ Augustin even though he played only 10 games, but the expectation/idea of him as a signing vs what we got was incredibly disappointing., thus I thought he was worth a mention. We waived him and he immediately contributed in Chicago by averaging 15 points and 5 assists later that season.

    As for the other three, I’ll be honest as I didn’t ever watch Thomas or Stewart play but I did watch Araujo play as a kid and he was terrible so he gets my vote.

  11. Robert Archibald

    I saw him before a game once with a coach doing shuttle runs and after only a couple reps he sat down and angrily waved the coach away when the coach told him to do more. The only reason he was there was because he was tall Looked totally disinterested in being a pro athlete or basketball player

  12. PineappleCharming335

    People need to get off Araujo’s jock. He tried, it’s not his fault he was overdrafted. I say Dragic or Mourning.

  13. DJstiles

    Araujo – wasted the 8th pick on Hoffa and could have had Iggy, JR Smith, Al Jefferson or Tony Allen…hands down worst player

  14. Johntay Porter.

    There are shit players. There are players who refused to suit up. Then there are players who held bets that could work against the team.

  15. Aron Baynes

    Everytime he touched the ball I’d boo the man. Just horrible to watch

  16. Raptors887

    Jalen McDaniels, Aron Baynes, Rafael Aurujo

    One of those 3.

  17. MindPlayinTricks0nMe

    Yogi Stewart.

    What makes it worse is we signed him to a 6 year deal as a free agent.

  18. cooldudeman007

    Chris Childs, played by far the most minutes for anybody who shot less than 35% from the field

  19. Senior_Chest2325

    Patrick McCaw. The amount of minutes that guy got was unfathomable.

  20. JustIncredible240

    Bargnani was a first overall pick. By that standard, he’s our worst player.

  21. crazyenterpz

    Dragic …. for the unprofessional attitude.

  22. whoisbird

    Milt Palacio…

    I know he won’t win but I still shudder every time I think that he was leading the team. His head down running into his defender made me close my eyes and twitch.

  23. TryharderJB

    I nominate Jontay Porter.

    All others mentioned (Alonzo, Rudy, Goran, Arujo) only made themselves look bad in our eyes.

    Jontay is a special kind of a-hole and deserving of the Worst Raptor award because not only did he make himself look bad but he brought shame to the team.

    FU Jontay, congrats on the award.

  24. Loud-Guava8940

    BJ Armstrong. The first raptor through the expansion draft and refused to play for us.

  25. Scrizzy6ix

    Hedo Turkoglu

    Rafael Arujo (sp?)

    Patrick Patterson

  26. Senior_Chest2325

    Alex Radojevic!! First round pick who did absolutely nothing and was gone by his second year.

  27. Who remembers ya boy Chuck Hayes?? Every shot was a prayer for this guy including free throws.

  28. Xen0cid3

    Any raptor who refused to even put the jersey on, you can barely call them a Toronto Raptor so players like BJ Armstrong. Alonzo Mourning

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