@Los Angeles Lakers

Name the first moment that you became a fan of your favorite player

— 1998 NBA All Star

by WallStreetDoesntBet


  1. National_Secret_5525

    It all started one summer evening in Colorado 

  2. Ok_Worry7833

    Nick young going off against the heat in the 2014 Xmas game.

  3. I have a little bit of a longer story here. I started playing video games when I was about 8 or 9 years old in 05-06, my dad purchased me a copy of ESPN 2K5 with I believe Ben Wallace on the cover. I had only watched college basketball up until this time, and I’m from North Carolina and a huge Tarheels fan. I decided to play my first game as the pistons and against the pre-set opponent, which ended up being the Cavs. Computer operated LeBron James absolutely destroyed me and I wanted to see him play in real life afterwards. The next night I watched a cavs game on TV and he was the best player on the court by far. I remember being amazed and have been pulling for LeBron no matter where he goes since.

  4. I first started admiring Allen Ivereon cause he was relentless and I that fitted my style on the court, but as soon as I was paying more attention to technic I found the perfect blend of giving it all with perfect detail.

  5. Positive_Rhubarb7814

    98 all star game where Jordan passed the torch to Kobe

  6. A_Omega_73

    Game 4, 2000 Finals.

    Shaq fouls out.

    “I got this” – Kobe

  7. NashicSaibot

    2007 series against the nuggets. Swept them in style and discovered Kobe. Every day from then on, I would use up my daily internet allowance at school watching his highlights.

  8. If I’m fully honest, 2010 Playoffs! That game 7 was definitely elite! I was so disappointed to see the team fall part in the later stages, but MANNN

  9. Hungry-Space-1829

    D Fish “one lucky shot deserves another”

  10. Ok_Conversation_2734

    lebron james dunk on kings player 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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