@Boston Celtics

[NBACentral] “If I’m being honest, bro, I don’t think anybody in this generation could have played, like, 20 years ago. If I’m being 100.”

— Kevin Garnett 👀

by WallStreetDoesntBet


  1. Imallama

    Old heads say this type of shit all the time. Younger players say the same. It’s boring.

  2. a_rabid_anti_dentite

    No they would have been too young to qualify for the NBA twenty years ago.

  3. bootyholebrown69

    If a modern team played a team from the 2000s theyd beat them like 150-90. They’d probably take and make 3 times as many 3s

  4. He doesnt think they could play in 2004? Cmon now. The league was already trending softer but without the shooting/pacing play we have today. The Suns were one of the few teams that played like a 2024 team back then.

  5. kokain99

    He’s right and he’s wrong. The league is way softer now days but way more skilled. You can bump a guy like Curry all you want, he’s still going to drain logo threes in your face.

  6. Everyone always thinks the world peaks when they peaked. It’s textbook biased analysis.

  7. Rashloose

    I’d like to listen more with what KG has to say about this. I don’t think a 2 minute clip is enough to empty his true thoughts.

    Locker rooms 20 years ago were 100% more intense than it is now. But why does it matter? KG is an OG when It comes to mental toughness so I believe he sees something missing from tatum.

    The skill point is pretty interesting. Yea tatum doesn’t jump that well in traffic and looks weak going up at times but besides that what else is a skill gap? Seems like some thoughts are missing. I’m somewhat disappointed he said this but I hope there’s some love in those comments.

  8. simpledeadwitches

    The rules now are just in favor of the players plain and simple. The players themselves being debated is another discussion.

  9. SaveHogwarts

    Key debate points:

    Defensive 3 seconds came in 01.

    03-05 was hand checking and defensive 3 really becoming enforced.

    Since then everything has been more and more offensive minded.

  10. Wonderful_Eagle_6547

    Stuff like this is nuts, because we literally have guys who have played in multiple eras and been effective across eras. Somehow, Wilt Chamberlain was able to hang with Kareem during perhaps his best years. Then 20 years later, Kareem was still effective as an old man against younger Olajuwon and Ewing, who in turn were able to compete wtih Shaq.

    LeBron was an NBA All Star 20 years ago. If the whole league had degraded, wouldn’t he have gone from an MVP Candidate in 2008 to the greatest season of all time by 2020?

  11. Eisenhorn76

    JB could’ve played 25 years ago. He’s been money from mid-range for years, and the way he attacks the basket these days would’ve fit right into that era.

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