@National Basketball Association

Shaq on Dennis Rodman

“He’ll come out and get you 25 rebounds, stanking like a motherfu*ker, put his clothes on and go to the club and have the baddest women I ever seen in my life.”

by Fit-Structure-9395


  1. OnlyMamaKnows

    >He smells like garbage truck water.


  2. philly2540

    Rodman was a certifiably weird dude. But pound for pound the best rebounder in NBA history. The guy had some screws loose. And one of those was the absolute singleminded determination to get every single fucking rebound.

  3. Heibaihui

    I remembered reading somewhere Dennis has the biggest pipe. Maybe that is why he gets all the chicks despite the smell?

  4. BoogerSugarSovereign

    Lmao Shaq can find something to be jealous of in legit any situation ever. If he had ever asked Rodman he would’ve told him the secret sauce – tricking. Can’t remember who talked about asking Rodman why women loved him so much but reportedly Rodman replied that he just paid them.

  5. TigerKlaw

    Shaq played like 23 games with Rodman in 99 too. Maybe he caught Rodman at his wildest lol

  6. airtokoto

    >be Dennis Rodman

    >show up to practice late, eating food

    >smell like garbage truck water

    >arrive to arena on gameday late

    >haul in 26 rebounds

    >exit arena, no shower

    >arrive at club

    >pull baddest hoes

    >refuse to elaborate

  7. Ok-Discipline9998

    Other players: *pulls Kim Kardashian*

    Dennis: *pulls Kim Jong-Un*

  8. ne0scythian

    Probably hard to believe for some young guys but Dennis Rodman was probably like the second most famous NBA player on the planet for a brief period there in the 90s. Like he was a legitimate cultural icon when he was with the Bulls.

  9. zZSleepyZz

    When I heard that story of Madonna interrupting his poker game in vegas to fly him out so he could impregnate her, I knew that guy was different.

  10. Prof-Ponderosa

    When did Dennis and Shaq play together?

  11. EditEd2x

    The crazy part is that Rodman could play a game and grab 20 boards. Get on a plane to Vegas and spend the next two days partying and smoking cigars while sleeping very little. Jump back on a plane and go to another city to play another game and grab 22 boards. And this was during the playoffs.

  12. Snuggle__Monster

    By that metric, you should read about some of the shit Anthony Mason would get up to.

  13. grimace24

    Showing up to practice late has been confirmed by now Shaq, Scottie Pippen, and Michael Jordan. Rodman was a fierce competitor and always showed up to play. He was a headache to deal with but always gave his all on the floor.

  14. YouDirtyDogg

    Not surprised NWO member Dennis Rodman was such a legend

  15. Not_a__porn__account

    Man’s name was Dennis too.

    I know one dude name Dennis and I’m not sure he could grab his own balls.

  16. I’ll never forget those latter day Bulls teams when I was in high school, where dyed haired Rodman would just take his shoes off and sit by himself on the floor while Jordan and the other guys were huddled up during timeouts. Dude just absolutely LIVED to fuck with the “playing the game the right way” crowd.

  17. I might be misremembering but p sure it was said in a documentary or show or something that this dudes hog was uh…lets go with noteworthy. probably had something to do with the baddies not caring about b.o.

  18. LordJxnkulous

    My favorite player from the Jordan era Bulls.

  19. hyborians

    Damn. Thats the worst takedown of an athletes’ hygeine I’ve heard

  20. IranianLawyer

    How old would you feel if I told you that Dennis Rodman is 63 years old?

  21. forustree

    And this is why it’s the best league to be a fan of …

  22. Bad As I Wanna Be is a really fun, easy read. Decent insight into Rodman’s life.

  23. CO_PC_Parts

    I worked for my hometown on the summer we were garbage men one of the days. Riding on the back of the truck and everything. That garbage truck water joke brought back nasty 🤮. Maggots were the worst.

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