@Los Angeles Clippers

who’s the most underrated player in clippers history?

we've reached that point in the offseason where there's literally nothing happening, i've seen other subs and people on twitter do this so hopefully this will kindle some discourse

by _lxviiii


  1. TheLastCh1p

    Eric Piatkowski, dude was ahead of his time and loved the clippers. Also spent most of his career with us instead of just a few seasons.

  2. _lxviiii

    nobody ever talks about 2014 playoff run darren collison anymore and it pains me

  3. I feel like Zu is often underrated, more by other teams fans than ourselves maybe, but I feel like in 10 years most people will forget about him while he’s already a franchise top 10 in blocks, off and def rebounds and this season he should enter our top 10 in terms of games played with the Clips. It’s probably too soon to pick him as the most underrated Clipper in history though.

    I was also thinking of Gallo. Like everyone bring Lou, Trezz, Tobias and sometimes SGA in the 2018-19 season but Gallo was a huge factor for us, finally having a season without big injury, so efficient with a 46-43-90 season and giving us 20 pts every night or so.

  4. Sav_McTavish

    I’m going DeAndre Jordan. He’s all over the team record books, and I don’t see people bring him up in greatest clipper discussions. People tend to refer to that era about cp3 and Blake. Yeah, there were better players, but he was with us 10 years and not many stick with the team that long. He was a homegrown talent and my personal favorite clipper.

    I once read a pistons article comment that said Drummond plays like DeAndre if you told him his dog died before the game. DeAndre brought everything this team has been missing in hustle, rim protection and rebounding. Not the most skilled guy, but always felt he was under appreciated.

  5. RobertoCyborgAbreu

    Remember that one season Bobby Simmons had with us when he won most impro3? That was nice, anyway, my vote goes to Shai, we just didn’t know I guess

  6. buffythebodyy

    Saw this trend going on for clippers twitter and clippers twitter voted Jacobtheclipper as most annoying clipper of all time🤣

  7. PercentageRoutine310

    I was going to say Eric Piatkowski and Loy Vaught but we never got far with them. Loy put up good numbers on bad teams similar to Bobby Simmons in the 2005 season. I will say Sam Cassell. He would’ve never made the playoffs in 2006 without him. My next picks would be Mark Jackson (my favorite Clipper at one point) and then Quentin Richardson.

  8. I’m going Cole train. Up until him, we had an era of complete trash backup centers including Brian Cook, Mullins, Mo Speights, and Ryan Hollins. I cringed every time they touched the ball (assuming they could catch it in the first place). Cole wasn’t amazing and wasn’t going to give you 20/10, but he was solid in his role and dependable

  9. KeithKlossGOAT

    He broke my heart when he left, but I’ll say Elton Brand

  10. BurghFinsFan

    I’m going to second DeAndre Jordan. CP3 and Blake were well known, but people forget just how good DeAndre was too. He was more than just that dunk against the Pistons.

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