@Boston Celtics

Day 12: Most Athletic

Bill Russell takes his second spot on the grid as best rim defender in franchise history. Unsurprisingly, that may have been the biggest landslide win yet. Today’s category should be fun: most athletic.

Underrated: KC Jones

Overrated: Antoine Walker

Best: Bill Russell 🐐

Worst Starter: 2014 lineup of Phil Pressey, Gerald Wallace, Jeff Green, Jared Sullinger, and Kris Humphries

Funniest: Luke Kornet

Most Annoying: Kendrick Perkins

Most Potential: Jayson Tatum

Most Wasted Potential: Len Bias (RIP)

Best Passer: Rajon Rondo

Best Perimeter Defender: DJ

Best Rim Defender: Bill Russell 🐐

by Celtics420420


  1. prousstibat

    Also Bill Russell

    Timelord gets honorable mention though

  2. bananajunior3000

    Bill Russell was the #2 high jumper in the US and ranked #7 in the world but couldn’t compete in the 1956 Olympics because he was playing basketball and at the time you could only do one.

  3. 27percentfromTrae

    Dee Brown was stupid athletic. If we’re just talking jumping ability, Nate Robinson’s name needs to be mentioned

  4. burner_for_celtics

    Russell again. Honorable mentions abound— including rondo, Gerald green, Nate Robinson, Dee Brown, Timelord, and Robert Parish

  5. Touge_Monster

    Dam… is Bird going to fit in anywhere?

  6. ApatheticAxolotl

    For the sake of an answer other than Russell, Danny Ainge.

    Remains the only one to be named first team high school All American in basketball, baseball and football. He was considered a top recruit for all three sports.

    In college, he won the Wooden award and was also named All American for basketball.

    He then went on to have professional careers in both baseball and basketball.

    He also has a perfect 69% career winning percentage, which I think speaks for itself.

  7. DarthAction69

    I’m sorry, I just cannot get over the travesty of dismissing Larry Legend as best passer.

  8. whaleinapuddle

    Won’t win but Kedrick Brown was on a pogo stick. Never put consistent NBA level skills with it but he was one of the most athletic guys I remember on the team

  9. DJRyGuy20

    I can’t wait until we get to “best handle” and this sub tries to tap dance around it being anyone but Kyrie.

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