
Can someone explain the “traveling” rule??

I played basketball in Jr and High school and first year of college (In Mexico). Was always part of the school teams.

And this would have been clear traveling. I see that pros do this all the time. What’s the deal? Did I always have the rule wrong (along with everybody else in my schools and tournaments) or is it different in the US?

by mxl01


  1. maynardstaint

    The first two steps were probably allowed. The NEXT two shuffle steps under the basket were definitely travelling.

  2. blockbuster1001

    Definite travel that the refs missed.

  3. Antbai11

    I think it’s a clean layup. She caught the ball and took a gather plus 2 steps. I started counting when she picked the ball up and gained possession. In HS it would have been 3 steps though but in NBA and International leagues it should be fine.

  4. No_Constant8644

    She def took 4 steps after she got the ball. That’s a travel at every level! She grabbed the ball with two hands and proceeded to take 4 steps.

    Gather steps refer to the steps you take when the ball is between the floor and coming back to your hands while dribbling because technically you could potentially still take another dribble at that point. That is definitely not what happened here.

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