@National Basketball Association

The Philadelphia 76ers are seriously considering relocating to New Jersey: “The reality is, we are running out of time to reach an agreement that will allow the 76ers to open our new home in time for the 2031-32 season. As a result, we must take all potential options seriously, including this one.”

The Philadelphia 76ers are seriously considering relocating to New Jersey: “The reality is, we are running out of time to reach an agreement that will allow the 76ers to open our new home in time for the 2031-32 season. As a result, we must take all potential options seriously, including this one.”

by AashyLarry


  1. EsotericPotato

    Kinda sucks that this is the reality for sports fans now where literally every single time a team wants a new stadium built, they will hold the franchise hostage until they get the funding they want from their cities.

  2. waskittenman

    nothing so perfectly distills the essence of this pretender sixers era than them not even playing in Philadelphia

  3. Acceptable_Moose1881

    Philly is a dope city. I think New Jersey is a much better fit for the Sixers..

  4. Dakingdior

    Instead of 50/50 fan split in a knicks playoff series itll be 75/25 now

  5. garfcarmpbll

    all I can think of is in The Other Guys

    “Gentleman, you have a choice. Mamma Mia or Jersey Boys?”

  6. Own_Bluejay_7144

    I think it’s time we pass a Constitutional Amendment that professional sports teams or any level of government cannot use taxpayer money to build or refurbish arenas.

  7. As long as the billionaire pays for the arena construction, I don’t know why Philly wouldn’t welcome it.

  8. makashiII_93

    I love how pro teams now extort the cities they play in for millions in tax breaks, then keep all the profits for themselves.

    Infuriating. I want to throw up.

  9. DylanToback8

    Whoever the first businessman in history was to realize, “I’ll bet I can get the local government to pay for my new building. They want me here, right?” was an evil genius. Emphasis more on the evil side.

  10. SourBerry1425

    Literally the 4th biggest media market in the country at the risk of losing their team. Crazy times.

  11. Distance_Motor

    This is just them pressuring the city into giving them taxpayer money. At least for now

    Edit: Turns out the stadium is privately funded, they just want the space to build it in ChinaTown

  12. ben10toesdown

    Camden, NJ is roughly 10-12 minutes away from Philadelphia. So I assume they would keep the same name, the stadium would just move a few miles away into a different state. 

  13. Maybe the 76ers can ask ballmer to build them a dome

  14. AdmiralWackbar

    This just frees up one of the expansion teams going to Philly. They could call them the Kensington Zombies

  15. rrousseauu

    Philly fans suffered through the process years just for the team to leave the city

  16. onlyahobochangba

    Honestly if we can’t make the ECF this year then New Jersey can take them

  17. cactusmask

    As a native Philadelphian: Enjoy Jersey! The trip to the stadium will be just about the same, and it won’t mean giving a bunch of money to some billionaires to ruin a neighborhood

  18. hereforfantasybball3

    Sounds like posturing 🤷🏽‍♂️

  19. Dazzling-Slide8288

    This is all just bullshit bluster to try to get more money from the city. Fuck the owners and their greedy asses.

  20. BramptonBatallion

    This isn’t so dramatic as South Jersey is part of Greater Philadelphia Area. They’ll keep the name and affiliation.

  21. Due_Connection179

    I feel like most of the people commenting don’t understand that New Jersey is literally a 10 minute drive from Philly. So I’m guessing they will keep everything about the Sixers franchise, including keeping Philadelphia as the team name, if they do move to New Jersey.

  22. raylan_givens6

    let ’em go

    study after study shows there is no actual benefit to taxpayers to fund these stadiums

    besides, you can always just watch a team on tv

  23. baguettebolbol

    A single trip past the second round since the start of the new millennium and they want to bleed the Phillie taxpayer for a new stadium. Unbelievable

  24. PersonFromPlace

    This feels so absurd and surreal so that makes me think it might happen. Also, it’s lowkey funny so I kinda want it to happen (also it’d be more convenient for me but eh idk really I’m fine where it is tbh)

  25. Unlucky-External5648

    Better jersey than chinatown.

    But fuck these oligarchs anyway. They don’t have to move. They print money at the sports complex right now.

  26. stephendbxv

    the practice facility has s already in South Jersey, I bet half the guys have houses there, make it happen boys.

  27. HunterGuntherFelt

    Big toddler “I’m totally gonna run away from home if I don’t get ice cream for dinner” energy here.

  28. LostRoomba

    Camden already gives the Sixers an “economic development” tax break to keep their practice facility in NJ. Its a joke, let them go.

  29. Buckus93

    I doubt the league would let that happen. But, hey, you woulda thought the Sonics were safe in Seattle, too, so……

  30. clingbat

    For the countless uninformed coming in here to bitch about publicly funded arenas:

    – The Sixers want to build an arena in Market East in Center City Philly location that is *privately* funded. It would replace a really shitty run down mall / “fashion” shopping area.
    – The city is blocking it largely because of concerns this may have on Chinatown nearby
    – Camden is offering tax breaks to lure the team across the river, the team hasn’t been *asking* for handouts.

    Get your facts straight and quit with your out of context bullshit uniformed reactions please.

  31. penguin_torpedo

    I think some of yall just need to remember your geography. Philadelphia is right next to new jersey

  32. FireFrogs48

    We’re are running out of time for a season that doesnt start for another 7 years lol give me a break. Just a negotiation tactic. Nothings gonna come out of this

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