@Minnesota Timberwolves

Start, Bench, Cut: Classic Role Players

Start, Bench, Cut: Classic Role Players

by LivinForThaCity


  1. Start vando(best talent), bench pat(best leader, game fits the modern era fairly well), cut slomo(solid player whos game has to be gameplanned around with specific skill set players to be utilized at his best)

  2. beermangetspaid

    Start Vando, Bench Bev, cut the offensive black hole

  3. FlyingScissor

    Start Slowmo, bench Vando, and cut pat bev twice

  4. greenslam

    Start Pat Bev, bench Kyle, cut Vando.

    Vando’s got no offensive game. justa pure energy guy. Pat Bev’s a good defender and a decent shooter. Kyle’s got somewhat of an offensive game and can play make.

  5. DrWolves

    Start Vando, bench Beverley, cut Kyle Anderson

    I cannot wait to watch Timberwolves basketball without Kyle Anderson on this team. Call me a hater. Call me whatever. The amount of people on this sub who acted like Kyle Anderson was one of the biggest keys to our success last season absolutely blew me away. It’s legitimately like people think this guy isn’t replaceable lol. He has a top 5 worst jump shot in the history of the game. Good dude. Wish him nothing but the best. But I’m not gonna miss watching him pass up WIDE OPEN three pointers, turn the ball over constantly, and completely muck up the offense.

  6. Formal_Junket_1585

    Starting Pat, benching Kyle and cutting Vando. This hard for me tho cuz Kyle was the worst player I ever seen this year but last year he was great. But I really didn’t like Vando when he was here bruh was a 6’8 Rudy on offense

  7. eman9416

    Y’all really overrate Vando.

    If Rudy and KAT are on the team, start Bev, bench Slowmo and cut Vando

    If it’s just one of Rudy or KAT, Start Slowmo, Bench Bev and cut Vando

  8. yourloudneighbor

    I’d start Dallas series slowmo, bench vandy cut pbev

    Otherwise start vandy, bench Slowmo cut pbev

  9. trishowsky

    Start PatBev, bench Kyle, cut Vando.

    This is the only acceptable answer, crazy to see so many people cutting the best player. I remember during 21-22 PatBev was probably the most beloved player in this sub. He was a big part of instilling a winning mentality in this team and so he had a huge impact on this franchise, even if he was just here for one year as a 34 YO role player. Y’all just hating for no reason smh

    Not to mention he’s the best defender and shooter in the picture

  10. themoertel

    Start Bev. He changed the culture.

    Bench Kyle. Versatile player, good contributor, replaceable.

    Cut Vando. He was a great energy guy and a good defensive presence. His hands might be worse than Rudy’s and he was a liability in big games.

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