@Milwaukee Bucks

Shaq: “I’d actually love to play in today’s era… it’s less physical. I’d bring a little more physicality, I’d bring my length, I’d bring my athleticism, and I’d be Greek Freak [Giannis ‘Antekanumbo’].”

Shaq: “I’d actually love to play in today’s era… it’s less physical. I’d bring a little more physicality, I’d bring my length, I’d bring my athleticism, and I’d be Greek Freak [Giannis ‘Antekanumbo’].”

by PerpetuaI_Foreigner


  1. Brave_Prompt7652

    This why Chuck doesn’t like Giannis

  2. drawnred

    less physical unless your name is giannis….

  3. xSmoothNoodle

    It’s nice to see one of the NBA greats acknowledge Giannis but he completely butchered the name lol

  4. LegendLobster

    Shaq is one of the few older legends that actually gives Giannis his props

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