@Golden State Warriors

Preach Dray! 🗣️

This describes this sub and a sizable segment of the Warriors fan base in general the last few years to a tee.

by taygads


  1. nba2k11er

    That being said, it is funny when it’s coming from the guy who didn’t punch a teammate in the face in 9 training camps but did in 1 😂

  2. ihaveaquestionormany

    The criticism that this man gets is *insane*. All celebrities right now live in hell imo, in terms of people commenting on them non stop and judging them for everything, but Dray has been uniquely treated by fans and media alike.

    Man in the Arena life. Shout out to the 4 time Champion

  3. the_dinks

    Dray is officially old after reposting a screenshot of a story that didn’t happen

  4. RandoBritColonialist

    Oh god this looks like something my grandma would post on her facebook

  5. For the daft in here incapable or unwilling to see beyond the literal (or misattribution as it were), the point of the post is **the message**. Replace Einstein with anyone you want, the message would still be the same because him literally living this out is irrelevant to the overall purpose of the message presented through the story.

  6. DemandCereal

    I don’t assault people for 364 days then I assault someone once and I have to face consequences??? What’s up with that???

  7. wezwells

    I mean there’s a fine line between the public overindexing mistakes and individuals not taking accountability for their actions, continuing to make bad decisions year after year, and not showing growth in an area because “that’s the fire that makes them special”.

  8. mrroofuis


    When did Eintein do that? 🤔

    I guess Dray does have a HUGE imagination. Which Eintein would praise.

  9. LeftyMcLeftFace

    “I’ve gone through 11 training camps and never once got congratulated for not punching a teammate, but the *one* time I do” aahh post

  10. therealdankshady

    Lol r/NBA is gonna have a field day with this

  11. 80taylor

    the first step to failure is trying – homer simpson

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