@Boston Celtics

[Dalzell] Al Horford received the Dominican Republic’s highest honor today: “I knew I was going to come meet the president, but I didn’t know I was gonna get the highest award for the country.” “Very overwhelmed with a lot of emotion. Very, very special day for me today.”

[Dalzell] Al Horford received the Dominican Republic’s highest honor today: “I knew I was going to come meet the president, but I didn’t know I was gonna get the highest award for the country.” “Very overwhelmed with a lot of emotion. Very, very special day for me today.”

by 1337speak


  1. NoBozosonthebus

    Of course Joe is there.
    Viva la República!

  2. Scalills

    This award literally means that Al Horford is a knight now

  3. FergieBall_FC

    Congratulations Sir Al Horford 🎖️


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