@Golden State Warriors

This season already feels like an emotional roller coaster ride & we are weeks away from starting 😃

What do you think is the best starting line-up for this coming season?

by Rude_Commission_6066


  1. IJustReadEverything

    Wiggins smiling. Good sign? One can hope.

  2. motherfkingprincess

    been on the wiggins train since the finals i am praying to GOD PLEASE 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  3. kaleisraw

    I still believe in Wiggs… In our finals run he was our second best player… I’m still rooting for him.

  4. Nessmuk58

    I honestly have no idea about the best starters and the best rotations at this point. I hope people will be patient with Kerr as he works through the various options, and I hope they’ll use the G League to see that guys deep on the bench are getting some playing time when they’re not in the NBA club’s rotations.

    I think that Waters, Post, Plowden, and Beekman are all question marks. They might contribute very little, but one or more of them might make an impact. Waters has potential as a 3-and-D SG, and Post is another 4-year college big like TJD. Can he contribute in Year 1 like TJD did? Beekman could be a solid backup PG if he can translate his play to the NBA. And Plowden looked like a superstar in SL, but that ain’t the NBA.

    How much progress will our 5 “veteran” youngsters (JK, MM, BP, TJD, GS) make? I expect some improvement from all of them, but maybe we’ll see something greater than incremental steps from one or more.

    And how do the “new vets” fit? Melton, Hield, and Anderson all look like useful additions, but on- and off-court chemistry will be key.

    How will Wiggins, Looney, and GPII do this season? None of them were major contributors last year, but they’ve all shown talent in the past.

    And finally, how do Steph and Draymond hold up a year later and a year older? I expect they can both still excel, but maybe not for as many MPG as they did when they were younger, and that puts that much more pressure on the other 15 guys.

    (And of course there are still close to 4 months left to execute trades this season. We struck out on two big ones this summer, but I expect the FO to keep swinging)

  5. mitchellpatrice

    I’m just hoping it’s watchable TV

  6. QuirkySense

    Took me a few seconds to recognize Kuminga.

  7. nghbrhd_slackr87

    Jeopary answer… “Who are 5 players the 2024-25 Golden State Warriors need to ball the hell out to make the playoffs?” Best part is they are EXACTLY where you hope they would be way ahead of time… in the gym putting in the work. I can’t wait for Moody to finally get an honest shake.

  8. Wesley_Cao

    I also came across a video of Slomo improving (speeding up) his shooting form. LFG

  9. some-person99

    Kuminga & Moody look hungry & I love seeing that. If Draymond comes in level headed, 10-20 pounds lighter and Wiggins gets focused it’ll be a good year. Warriors lost 10+ games last season because of blown leads and dumb mistakes. If they can tighten up they can get another ring.

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