@Boston Celtics

Just got a random Dwhite shirt

Just got a random Dwhite shirt

by thetruth0102


  1. DJMagicHandz

    When he came home he unlocked another level of abilities. Continue to roam bald buffalo.

  2. Vondelsplein

    That sure is a lot of pictures of him looking exactly the same

  3. Drawing_The_Line

    Oh cool, the Reddit T-shirt scam came to our Celtics subreddit. Obvious scam goes like this: person/bot posts a tshirt relating to a subreddit. Next person/bot asks some form of, “awesome! Where can I get one?” Then original poster/bot replies with a link. Usually followed up with more “that’s great!” posts from other people/bots. In the end you pay and never get said “awesome shirt”. Buyer beware.

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