
3 Simple Ways to DOMINATE High School Basketball – Score More!

3 Simple Ways to DOMINATE High School Basketball – Score More!

When I look back on my high school basketball career, although I was a really good player, I now realize I easily could have been a dominant player if I just added a few simple skills to my game. I didn’t grasp until I got to the higher levels of college and professional basketball that scoring more points is actually easier than it seems.

In this video, I talk about 3 easy ways to score more and become dominant. Let me know in the comments how many points you averaged this past season. Hopefully we can get those numbers up!

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Intro- 0:00-0:37
1. Create mismatches 0:37-4:33
2. React more quickly 4:33-6:40
3. Attack constantly 6:40-9:46
Outro- 9:46-10:12


  1. If a coach believes you're a great shooter, play to that strength and through that strength as much as possible. A good way to score more is making split-second decisions and taking advantage of defenders before they get set up. If you can shoot well off hand offs or having defenders chase you off screens, this can open up drives to the basket because defenders are in off balance recovery mode. Sprinting to your hot spots and having an offense that's set up to get you open is key. If you're a guy that can shoot at an elite level, then defenders are likely going to deny you the ball and face guard you. Off ball movement at the high-school level and stamina is important. You just need great coaches and smart teammates who recognize this. Pick up basketball is notorious for having that 1 guy who can shoot way better than anyone on the court, but end up getting face guarded after he gets hot. When guys in pick up recognize that, they won't set screens or free that player up whose been on fire all day, they will use that opportunity to start scoring themselves and lose the game. Learn how to relocate and use screens to get open in these situations.

  2. This video actually helped me gain a lot of perspective on what I'm doing wrong in my summer rec league. Especially that last tip. I need to carry myself more confidently on the court, and have a scorer's mentality.

  3. Im 16. I had 25 points 25 boards a game in a rec league.But I was a big man in a small league. I’m going into AAU, and I’m trying to learn to play like a guard, but I’m not a great shooter. I’ve been practicing though. Gotta keep the grind going!

  4. i averaged 5.1 points this year, it was really inconsistent, some games i’d have over 20 points and some games i wouldn’t even take a shot, some games i’d go like 2/15

  5. I started two years ago so for the first season I had no confidence and I only averaged like 5 points but I just stoped caring about what other people think about me and I went to 20 ppg

  6. This year will be my first year to try basketball for the first time i hope im gonna be in team with ur advices, cheers from Latvia❤🎉

  7. I was averaging 6ppg in 10 games before watching this video and now 4 weeks later ive averaged 13ppg in the last 4 games and just recently got my second highest scoring game ever in 16. tysm

  8. I averaged 5 points last year. I’m going for at least ten this year. I will keep you guys updated

  9. I scored 10.5 ppg as a freshman on varsity I’m mainly a 3 point shooter/defender. Because I play in texas in the best higschool league in the best division and everyone is at least 6’0 so I couldn’t go in the paint I’ve tried to improve my speed this off-season with football which as worked

  10. I average 3.3 points per game right now and I'm hoping these tips will help massively. I am a little man with a really good jumping ability but I feel I'm not that good at anything else. My shooting isn't great and I feel I am missing most of my shots. I'm not a long distance shooter I just can't for the life of me shoot long distance I really need help man.
    I feel I always go too hard on myself and find I'm getting annoyed a little things I do, if you have an feedback on my games I would really appreciate it. 🙏🙂🙂

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