@New York Knicks

Skapintsev has left the building

I saw the other day that he signed a training camp deal with the Celtics and it looks like Westchester traded him to their G League team. I thought he had potential to help the team, but I guess the front office sees differently. Hopefully, this means they believe Sims and Hulkporti can successfully backup Mitch.

by jayaurah


  1. Neither-Operation

    Ehhh,he was a 3rd stringer at best.We called him up before and he looked bad against NBA level players.

  2. slickrickiii

    He was fun to root for but realistically he was never going to do anything for the NY Knicks. Not enough of an athlete

  3. solo118

    Not sure if we are running 4 deep. So still Mitch, Precious, Sims at the moment. Hukporti maybe some garbage time

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