@Indiana Pacers

In case you’re in need of a good laugh tonight

For context, this is from an ESPN "article" about a hypothetical NBA expansion draft with teams in Seattle and Vegas.

by pacmanrockshok


  1. Lasvious

    Dillon is a very good player. All hate aside. But come on he’s not worth anything close to that. He’s worth signing if you are close though.

  2. pacersnz

    Beyond the absurd proposal, it doesn’t even work financially.

  3. BlueCollarGoldSwaggr

    I don’t understand how he got 86M from HOU, one of the most overrated players in the league. League-average for a starter on D, a trainwreck on offense. It’s pretty crazy to have 9.6 WS total in SEVEN SEASONS. 

  4. Hendo8888

    I like that they looked at TJ and Jarace for Brooks and decided that wasn’t enough and threw in an extra second rounder

  5. Disastrous-Entry-879

    I know that everyone hates on Dillon Brooks but I feel like he is exactly the type of guy that Indiana loves. He plays hard and is a menace. The Pacers have had plenty of those guys over the years. I dont know if I would give up Walker for him but he would help us immensely on the Defensive end.

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