@Portland Trail Blazers

Leaked NBA Cup Court Design

via Christian Soleño on FB who has found the IST courts on 2K.

by ajmcgill


  1. Tragic-tragedy

    The black floor really does look like something out of 2k, but I don’t mind this. Certainly looks way better than last year, and I like the fact that the NBA is trying to make these games feel different. Now, if only they did this for the playoffs…

  2. ajmcgill

    Huge upgrade from last years IMO. Love the rose pattern design and the black/grey being the major color for the floor as opposed to the red. Just scrolled through all the the other courts and I think ours is easily the best

  3. Hot_Local_Boys_PDX

    These would all be so much better if they took the stupid giant cup off center court. You already have the pseudo-cups in the key, why force the motif in there for a third time?? Nobody gives a shit about this trophy anyway 😄

  4. 1850ChoochGator

    Much better than last year’s abominations tbh.

    Still not totally a fan but I love the “city of roses” in that font. The subtle roses throughout the black too. This could actually be a W

  5. SocietyAlternative41

    i still don’t get the point of the in-season “tournament”. it literally means nothing. it’s just a handful of extra betting lines.

  6. rutabaga_pie

    Some day there should be a little watch face with a D in it right where Dame finished off OKC.

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