@National Basketball Association

Bill Simmons makes fun of Adam Schefter’s description of Wojnarowski’s insider lifestyle: “Was he an ER doctor during COVID? I wasn’t sure.”

After Woj's retirement, Adam Schefter said:

"He wanted his life back. He didn't want to have to work on holidays. He didn't want to be away from more family gatherings. He didn't want to have to…take a shower with your phone up against the shower door so you can see a text that's coming in, or take your phone with you to the urinal and hold it in one hand while you take care of your business in the other. That's the life that we live."

Simmons mocked how dramatic this sounded as a lifestyle description of an NBA insider:


by LeBronRaymoneJamesSr


  1. blacksoxing

    Woj fucking while holding his phone and his partner knows that he ain’t recording but instead tweeting about a new contract

    Woj always fucking doggy so he can use the phone as a table

  2. Ok-Discipline9998

    In his retirement threads people are saying “he hasn’t been to a movie in 10 years, wow that’s such unimaginable sacrifice!” I can do that shit unprompted and nobody’s paying me for that.

  3. HellveticaNeue

    I think it’s great that he made a ton of money and is satisfied and is now going to chill. More people need to do that instead of sitting at the top and hoarding money like a fucking dragon.

  4. PoopEatingExpert

    For reals though.  Shut the fuck up Schefter.  

  5. ngmathew1234

    If this is too hard/devastating for Schefter, he can retire too.

  6. No_Emotion4451

    Sports “journalists” talking like what they do is so important so society. 🤣 

  7. Easy-Philosopher-562

    Blog boy on blog boy crime is hilarious

  8. NegativesPositives

    The hard lifestyle of being the glorified office gossip

  9. ColdPressedSteak

    It def is a shitty aspect of the job but yeah, people definitely went way overboard in describing it

  10. Easywind42

    Sports media are the most oppressed group of people in human history

  11. This is hilarious and he’s not wrong 🤣

    Woj knew people and tweeted really ain’t that hard.

  12. Reporting NBA news at the soonest possible second seems pointless to me.

  13. Round-Revolution-399

    All for information that we’d inevitably find out about within a day or two anyways

  14. After being a mother, it’s the most difficult job in the world 👏👏👏👏👏👏

  15. theMAJdragon

    I laughed, I listened to Lowe’s monologue on it on his pod yesterday and you would have thought he died. All the power to Woj for getting out of the rat race but I think it’s ok to laugh at how silly the coverage around Woj’s retirement has been

  16. fuzzynavel34

    It IS silly lol. He breaks sports news. I’m sure the job is a constant 24/7 but it’s not like he’s an ER doctor, or a firefighter or something

  17. Icee_Veena

    Finally something I can agree with bill Simmons on lol. Woj did this to himself, and arguably, for no real reason besides $

  18. Big_lurker_here

    “Omg the Charlotte GM is texting me I gotta hold this piss” Bill still can throw his fastball when he feels like it

  19. I don’t doubt that it is tough and is a job you’re never really off the clock for. You get compensated really well for it but that doesn’t mean it isn’t difficult or taxing.

  20. bleedingjim

    He’s being eulogized like he’s Nelson Mandela. Is there a profession that loves to jerk itself off as much as sports “journalists”.

  21. BigRedThread

    I still don’t understand how/why sports media professionals earn the money they do or why the space is presented as so competitive, can someone explain? Couldn’t teams and athletes just tweet their own news?

  22. ColtCallahan

    It was fucking ridiculous. The guy was a glorified PR agent who uncritically reported whatever agents and GM’s texted him.

  23. opkpopfanboyv3

    Bro did Woj really die or something? They gotta let it go.

  24. tremble01

    The highlight of that pod was Craig Horlbeck saying “He hopes their middle name does not start with K.” talking about the Kubiaks. I laughed hard but could not explain to my wife why.

  25. ClassicDiscount319

    That was really funny, both Adam and woj are absolutely useless 

  26. Blunted-Shaman

    “The life we live is one of extreme privilege as we struggle to convince consumers how difficult our lives are while ruthlessly shit talking people who have worked their whole lives to play the sport we can’t play.”

  27. WeirdAFNewsPodcast

    Dude made millions tweeting so…. pretty good gig.

  28. socialistbcrumb

    I mean from how I’ve heard it described, it’s insane how dedicated to it he was. You can argue all day it’s not actually that important and he got paid well for it, all true, but I do find honestly kind of insane/impressive. But yeah, we don’t really need it lol.

  29. logicalconflict

    Yeah Bill, not everyone can make a living by sitting on a couch with someone named “Cousin Sal” reading betting lines off the internet into a microphone. Some of us have to actually work for a living.

  30. AccomplishedBake8351

    I think Zach Lowe had the best version of this on his pod.

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