@National Basketball Association

26 year old Michael Jordan was the definition of swag (1989).

26 year old Michael Jordan was the definition of swag (1989).

by ToronoRapture


  1. Iguodala_final_shot

    Been a while since I heard/read the word “swag”.

  2. super_sayanything

    People who weren’t witnesses to it really just don’t get that it wasn’t about stats or even about rings, there was just something magical.

  3. 00stoll

    Jordan is still the GOAT. What strikes me about this video though is how skinny those guys were. Today’s NBA player is jacked!

  4. chestnutman

    Playing with the exaggerated swagger of a black teen

  5. Kind_Character_2846

    Laimbeer chest bumping MJ 😂 Detroit was a huge rite of passage.

  6. thwacknerdthwack

    No matter how many times I see footage of Jordan I still cannot understand how he fucking floated around like that. Like, the way he moves does not make sense, scientifically.

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