@National Basketball Association

Lebron on Instagram: “Another game of clips of me just running fast and running people over to the basket! No skill”

Lebron on Instagram: “Another game of clips of me just running fast and running people over to the basket! No skill”

by CashCarti1017


  1. D1HATER3002

    I am super confused, who said Lebron is not skilled??

  2. Trayswisher_

    I don’t know why some people try to deny Lebron having a post/ midrange game. Like we all saw how much he used to use it from 2013-2018. It was literally his go to shot for a bit when they needed a bucket.

  3. Kwilly462

    When LeBron retires, I seriously wonder if he’ll be one of those “Back in my day” haters that overcritiques the players of today/tomorrow.

  4. ELLARD_12

    Double standards when players respond to haters smh. Yall do the same

  5. Reasonable_Fail4123

    lol he saw the bs Kwame Brown quotes

  6. Fragility_Merchant

    “Nobody loves me 💔 They all take me for granted”

  7. Paralta

    It’s good for clicks to say he only played bully ball. Nobody who has watched his career would say that.

  8. Wavepops

    these shots are not unreal, even for lebron. why is he pouting

  9. DeepJunglePowerWild

    Lebron when nobody has talked about how great he is in the last 5 min

  10. CockroachForeign6419

    Yall acting like it not a common narrative to say Bron has no bag lol

  11. IllRefrigerator560

    You can’t score 40,000 points without skill or a bag, and Lebron has become increasingly better throughout his career at creating and making shots.

    However, he has never been incredibly graceful like a Kobe or MJ for example, and people wouldn’t necessarily use his mechanics/footwork to teach the art of scoring. It is accurate to say that one of his best scoring attributes is his size and strength, which allows him to go into the lane, drop his shoulder, and score at will almost any time he wants.

    Both things can be true. Which is why he’s scored so many points. Most great scorers have one or the other at a high level. Bron has a bit of both.

  12. almightyJaq

    Kobe wouldn’t even put energy into shit like this. That’s why LeBron not the goat.

  13. Altruistic-Twist-379

    Cmon bron everybody knows you skilled.

  14. Kevdawg21092

    posting highlights against the wizards… old man desperate


    Lebron probably got irked by the Austin Reaves comments about how he doesn’t play 1v1.

  16. DakPanther

    In 30 years he’s gonna be so annoying when everyone says he played against bums

  17. cozyhomezy

    What I want to know was LeBron at those Diddy parties

  18. Cuttyflammmm

    Dude is incredibly sensitive and insecure

  19. Popcrnshowers

    In all of those clips his size or athleticism got him the bucket

  20. Moody_GenX

    Some of these comments are fucking hilarious…

  21. davidbabula101

    I’m miss lebron when he retires

  22. bryanBFLYin

    Yea the “he just charges to the basket with no skill or footwork” people clearly don’t watch Laker games. Go ask any NBA player if all Bron does is run you over with no real skill and they will tell you that they WISH that’s all he could do lol

    He’s been in his mixed bag his whole career but he’s been especially in his skill/footwork bag as he’s gotten older these last few seasons. It’s always been a stupid take lol I’m shocked LeBron even responded to something so obviously untrue and stupid lol

  23. CrissCrossAppleSos

    Skill is overrated anyway. Imagine a guy just dunking on you on every possession and thinking “a ha, but alas, you have not performed a dream shake!”

  24. cyrusthemarginal

    Why does he care what folks think?

  25. jimmylamstudio

    I know some people say it but I’m pretty sure he only posted this to prep himself before the season like he does literally every season

  26. Rammstonna

    A true King doesn’t lower himself to his peasants

  27. Blacketh

    He’s probably the highest up on the Mount Rushmore who is super concerned about his legacy. He’s still playing though so it’s fine

  28. DudeofallDudes

    Yeah but Kobe was doing that when he was 20, Bron developed that during his 30’s.

  29. Benjaminbuttcrack

    Fade away to the right, fadeaway to the right, leaner to the left, step back fade away to the right

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