@New York Knicks

Mitch on IG: “The truth ALWAYS comes out at some point. Keep that in mind.”

Mitch on IG: “The truth ALWAYS comes out at some point. Keep that in mind.”

by SwellandDecay


  1. I think at this point this these guys just trolling lol

  2. Mitch can write on IG “i hate my teammates, get me out of here” and i still wont take it seriously 🤣

  3. djstevefog

    Mitch would’ve loved AIM away messages

  4. The truth is that he’s a durable big man?

  5. NYdude777

    Mitch is replying in his comments going off on the dumb fans giving him shit for being injured

  6. pantzking

    Porzingis said the same exact thing. Im still waiting for that guys side of the story.

  7. mostlyfire

    KD levels of interneting lol. Maybe get some truth into those knees and ankles

  8. Swift_42690

    The truth is you’re always going to be an injury prone and unreliable player

  9. No-Honeydew9129

    Mitch loves being cryptic on social media. Don’t feed into it.

  10. Southern_Corner_3584


  11. KidSickarus

    The truth ALWAYS comes out, as does Mitchell Robinson from the lineup at some point during the season due to injury

  12. IsaacClarke47

    As a Mitch enthusiast since he was drafted in ‘18, he’s a goofy dude and his social media is insanely juvenile.

    That being said – he gets stupid ORebs and makes the Knicks better, so I ignore it and you guys should too.

  13. We need one of those “you are here” charts with Mitch. Have it be something like “Play well, injury, cryptic IG posts” because goodness he’s got like three existing stages

  14. VocationFumes

    Is the truth that he’s faking his injury? what could this possibly be in context to?

  15. MistaWhiska007

    I bet he’s ready to play but the front office wants to keep him on the shelf

  16. Purple-Tangerine5471

    Is he referring to the previous post on IG (seemingly in response to Embiid injuring him) ?

    Mitchell Robinson on IG:

    “Romans 12:19
    ‘Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for It is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.’’

  17. He’s coming after Embiid for taking him out

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