@National Basketball Association

Lou Williams tells a story of Oscar Robertson went on a rant about the new generation of players: “Shaq couldn’t hold Wilt Chamberlain bag; Chris Paul couldn’t be in the same gym with Bob Cousy”

Lou Williams tells a story of Oscar Robertson went on a rant about the new generation of players: “Shaq couldn’t hold Wilt Chamberlain bag; Chris Paul couldn’t be in the same gym with Bob Cousy”

by Goosedukee


  1. JAhoops

    Yup and in 10 years, Dwight Howard will be telling Cooper Flagg he couldn’t play in his era

  2. FailedAwards

    Always be the guys with the name Robert

  3. Ok-Discipline9998

    I fully believe that Chris Paul couldn’t be in the same gym as Bob Cousy back in the days, but for completely different reasons

  4. GutsPuncher

    Each old generation keeps on hating the new generation. Nothing new same as always

  5. ProofSinger3638

    its called motivation.

    those lakers teams were ass and soft as shit

    kobe was prob smirkin in the back like yup yall suck.

  6. LeBronRaymoneJamesSr

    Will never blame a guy that went through the stuff Oscar went through for being bitter and “disrespectful”.

    He pioneered the game. Literally the reason we have free agency today. Literally went against the Ku Klux Klan.

    I’m ight with bro having mid basketball takes lol

  7. MikeyBastard1

    Who was the moron that decided to make the background music louder than Lou. Why is there any background music at all?

  8. NYCSportsFan

    I don’t think Shaq would want to hold Wilt’s bag, not without gloves anyway

  9. Aggravating-Lake-717

    I mean Oscar is not wrong

    Just look at the way they treated bill russell back in the day. Blacks weren’t welcomed like they do now

  10. Paralta

    Prime Chris Paul is puting the work on most guards in nba history. We don’t need to disrespect people to build others up, God damn lol

  11. cheeseandrum

    Chris Paul would be tried as a warlock for making a step back 3pter

  12. Willis050

    I always wonder what the old school guys like Bill, or Wilt, or Oscar, would have done in the modern day with all the weight training and modern medicine. They would have been monsters

  13. GetDownDamien

    Who else went to go peep Bob Cousy highlights after this

  14. makashiII_93

    I do love how Lou Will said they kept being respectful even when Oscar went a little sideways about Wilt and Shaq.

    It’s not a “respect” thing. It’s a lack of context and understanding.

  15. zachonich

    Every goddamn generation. No, really. Quite literally every generation.

    “Back in my day” has been a thing since ancient times and if you’re young and you think your generation won’t do it… They will. Just give it time.

  16. modern players are so unbelievably skilled. I don’t understand how anyone and look at today’s stars and say they couldn’t play in prior generations.

  17. SugarAdamAli

    Rumor has it, wilt once shutdown Shaq by saying I was so dominant they changed the rules, Shaq had no comeback

    Chris Paul could hang with anyone, dude is an ATG

  18. MarkMoneyj27

    I hope all you old heads that compare MJ to Lebron pay attention. This is what you sound like to us that grew up watching MJ and Lebron. All sports improve, look at olympics, look at all evidence.

  19. PricelessCuts

    Chris Paul couldn’t be in the same room as the Larry O’Brien trophy either

  20. torontoballer2000

    That’s like Shaq hating on today’s centres and saying the same obnoxious bs.
    They’re all giant losers who are great at winning.

  21. torontoballer2000

    That’s like Shaq hating on today’s centres and saying the same obnoxious bs.
    They’re all giant losers who are great at winning.

  22. ilikeCRUNCHYturtles

    Why do people put shitty music over clips like this

  23. No-Inevitable7018

    Oscar Robertson always came off as a salty old has been to me. Overrated, modern day Westbrook.


  24. seasoned-veteran

    Oscar was miserable during his heyday too. Generational curmudgeon

  25. michaelsssecretstuff

    The 2016 game of Warrior Thunder where Steph made the three from half court in OT there was similar talk there.

    I remember Oscar Robertson had come out and said something along the lines of “Curry wasn’t even a better shooter than Jon McGlocklin (Big Os teammate”).

    I recall Mark Jackson saying something along the lines of “Just Say Sorry Big O” as the game ended its program in response to the legends criticism of Steph Curry.

    To this day I can’t find any evidence to back up this weirdly specific memory I have.

  26. CheatedOnOnce

    Lou Will was shook in Toronto because the tv channels were different. Fuck that guy forreal

  27. Tyronetyroned

    Jeff Teague would have told that story way better. That’s a fact.

  28. StOnEy333

    Bob Cousy would be lucky to be a 12th man on a team today. I’m old and stick up for older generation players, but I’m not stupid. lol

  29. Ppppp12344

    It is an objective fact that as the game grows, becomes more worldwide and developed, the players will become better. The average player and stars of today are better than they were twenty years ago, and the average stars and players of twenty years ago are better than twenty years before that. The next generation of players on average will be better than the current generation. It’s simply a statistical fact.

    There is a far larger pool of players worldwide than decades ago. With this you have a larger amount of straight up genetically gifted and talented people to choose from for the league. This becomes especially true when you include the rising standard of living across the world. Even if we discount advances to sport’s science and medicine, the players would still get better over time because of this fact.

    All these hating old heads deadass need to be put in retirement homes. The old will always envy the young and upcoming stars.

  30. gingersoulrecords

    Big fan of Input Title Here’s work

  31. justsomedudedontknow

    Cousy over Paul all day. Shaq could hang in any era.

  32. Adept-Ranger8219

    Chris Paul dunked on Dwight around his mouth Howard. If Paul did that to Bill Russell Boston would have lost its damn mind.

  33. tulaero23

    Someone show this to shaq, this is how he sounds nowadays lmao.

  34. AppropriateHouse433

    I went and listened to the Oscar Robertson speak and got to talk to him some. I was impressed. He seemed down to earth. He spoke openly about experiences. He seemed grateful and not bitter.

    He also seemed to think that the younger generation had a sense of entitlement. He talked about witnessing a lot of disrespect from players towards coaches and players talking on their phones during practices or talking when the coach was trying to coach. Players pouting when they didn’t get their way. He didn’t mention them by name but I think I was able to connect the dots on which team he was referencing.

  35. hopefully-he-dies

    The podcasts are way overdone now but the one player I always stop and listen to is Lou Williams. He tells stories well and was around long enough and was good enough to have a ton. Would actually like to see him do color commentary or studio work.

  36. theseustheminotaur

    An old head who doesn’t think the new class of players was as good? Shocking

  37. OdinEdge

    I hate when these videos feel the need to add unfitting music

  38. angershark

    Is this vertical video captioned with bold letters format the only way to get people to watch videos or read (or both) these days?

  39. TheNFSIdentity

    Funny, it’s like NBA legends are humans too, and they say and do stupid shit like us. Only difference is that they believe that their status serves as ground for their abysmal takes.
    It’s a fallacy of authority, and we see it all the time, for example the shit Shaq says from time to time. We can respect NBA legends like him and appreciate their input and the fact they have more personal expertise of the game than 99.99 percent of us. But they’re humans too, and like any human, they are biased so it’s only natural Oscar Robertson would say outrageous shit like this.

    I’m likely reading too much into this, but it genuinely annoys me whenever some people take their word as gospel without perspective.

  40. FranksGun

    I mean Wilt is Wilt but cmon Bob Cousy? Please

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