@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets jersey concept, let me know what you think!

Nuggets jersey concept, let me know what you think!

by Velociripper


  1. CompetitiveHippo5062

    These are very unique. In my opinion nike or teams (whoever has the say in what kits are going to look like) should hold a competition for city edition jerseys.

    Beautiful work !

  2. wydot11

    I like them I think they would look a little better without the handle of the pickaxe maybe. Just having the pickaxe blade underline Denver and the mountains would look cool

  3. FredditSurfs

    Design elements are nice but I have a real tough time with asymmetry (in uniforms esp.) so I’m out.

  4. mereham2022

    Honestly, it’s meh. That being said I’d rather them wear this than those god awful “5280” jerseys

  5. SignificantMoose6482

    Like everything but the positioning of the pic ax handle/ dong

  6. Silver_Harvest

    Change the asymmetry of the Yellow and White to be more gradient would flow better in my opinion.

  7. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    The font is a big turnoff for me, but I do like the colors!

  8. _nosfartu_

    First of all, good effort! You’re on the right track with some interesting elements. Please don’t get discouraged by negative comments. Focus on what you can improve and enjoy the journey!

    Since you’re looking for honest feedback, this might help (coming from a graphic designer):

    What works well:
    1. Colour choice. All 3 main colours are in good balance to each other and are legible against one another
    2. The mountains are as minimal as possible and contrast nicely with what feels like a “night sky”

    1. I don’t feel that the DEN-VER in two tones works. We generally start separating words in our mind when they have a different colour, or font, or thickness.
    2. The DENVER font you chose is fine, but I would ask, why this one? How does it connect to the city, state, team culture, other themes, etc.
    3. The shaded mountains are cool, but you’ve chosen to go back into a darker gradient at the bottom, so the jerseys just have this brighter shaded area in the middle. Will that work well if the shorts are dark?
    4. The pickaxe is very close to DENVER and 15. There’s not much negative space to let the elements breathe, or to make them easily distinguishable from far away. As a test, I would always recommend to zoom out as far as you can and see if the elements are each still legible and recognisable from afar. Compare that to existing jerseys, then you’ve got your benchmark 🙂
    5. The lined-mesh element at the bottom doesn’t speak any theme to me, so it’s just “decoration”. Generally, I would avoid decorative elements for the sake of filling the space. If you do have some idea behind it, consider leaning stronger into that, rather than the mountains. As those two elements are similar in their geometry and sort of clash as a result.

    1. The number font choice is probably not great, as the 5 is a little squished. The lack of negative space within it will again make it difficult for people to identify from afar.
    2. The choice of number font and player-name font are clashing. Both are sans-serif fonts, but they don’t harmonise well together as there are sharp edges on the “I” and slanted edges on the “1”, for example. It would help you to explore why and how some fonts go and don’t go with each other. General rule of thumb, if they are very different from each other, it can work: see Miami 80s style jersey. Otherwise, it’s best to use one uniform font for both.

    In conclusion, the more I look at it, I feel you’ve got a great start going here. I like the “night sky” above the mountains theme, and below the snowy mist. I would lean into that more and perhaps exend the mist, rather than return to “night sky” colour below. If you cut out the geometric shapes down below, it could accentuate this theme.

    Hope this helps! Good luck on your journey and happy designing! 🙂

    Looking forward to V2!

  9. Console_Gamer93

    I think they look really good.

    If I were to nitpick:

    – get rid of the yellow polygon lines on the bottom (or at least make them a mirror image of one another)
    – make the letters and spacing between them uniform (the V really sticks out right now).

    Cool concept!

  10. Not good tbh. I don’t like the typography, looks too “fat” and it just isn’t the same as the official one. The text and numbers seem to be a bit out of alignment, and the graphics are too busy. I don’t like the colors aswell, they need work. I think this concept could be great if done well. You have the potential to keep going and do better

  11. phishandchips1

    Take away the spider webs and I think it’s pretty good!

  12. HucktoMe

    If this is a beta stage design you’re on to something here, I think. The three things I would focus on are:

    “Denver” – the font doesn’t work (the very digital-ish, blocky look doesn’t work with the organic nature of the mountains and even pickaxe. Also, the curve of the arc of the lettering and the curve of the arc of the pickaxe don’t match – you might have to change the arc of the pickaxe even if that makes it less ‘real’.

    Why are the yellow and gold colors split down the middle of the pickaxe? How about the pickaxe in gold and the letters and numbers in white (or vice-versa). The end choice of the font might dictate which way to go.

    I kind of like the abstract lines on the bottom but it feels too. . . pointless? How about a little more purpose. Maybe a very abstract Denver skyline?

    You’ve got something here, good work, it just needs a little tweaking.

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