@National Basketball Association

In 2017, John Wall claimed that the Cavaliers intentionally dodged the Wizards in the previous postseason. Later that day, LeBron dropped 57/11/7 in a 130-122 road win over Washington.

Specifically, the Celtics were the 1 seed, the Cavaliers were the 2 seed, and the Wizards were the 4 seed. Wall felt that the Cavaliers didn't want the 1 seed so that they could avoid the Wizards until the ECF at least. This is about the 2017 playoffs, where the Cavaliers went 4-0 -> 4-0 -> 4-1 -> 1-4.

Average LeBron killer instinct story

Credit: @BronHistory

by LeBronRaymoneJamesSr


  1. Only winning by 8 after LeBron puts up a monster stat line means something.

  2. LeBron sonned just about every star that played in the 2000s at least once.

  3. JTenjouNi

    They were ducking the Bulls who they went 0-4 against in the regular season so the wouldn’t play them in the first round

  4. PissiCuckitini

    Is winning by single digits supposed to be a dunk?

  5. Educational-Pool7061

    That little 1 handed push shot he does in the lane is so sick

  6. BenniBMN

    Funny that Beal had a front row seat to this & now has his own version with the “I’ll be damned” about getting swept

  7. LackingInPatience

    Paul Pierce smirking slyly 😂

    Edit: what is there to downvote about this?

  8. sstphnn

    Wizards were good but not that good that LeBron would dodge them. But loved the short-lived rivalry, it ended when Canadian Jesus rose from the grave.


    It’s the fucking wizards……in 2017

  10. AngelicEclipse9

    Wall mightv’e thought the Cavs were ducking the Wizards, but LeBron made it clear that he wasn’t dodging anybody. 😂 The 2017 Cavs were in full beast mode, regardless of the seed.

  11. orton4life1

    I still have zero clue what he meant by that lol. The cavs won their series and the wizards loss, how did the cavs dodge them 😭. Wizards dodge them by not winning their series

  12. snowlarbear

    John Wall, the perfect encapsulation of “pretty good” and “stop talking until you actually do something”

  13. Sti8man7

    Yes killer instinct. As long as it is not in the Finals.

  14. pasta_beta

    LeBron has so many sons in the NBA I don’t even know why Bronny being drafted was such a big news

  15. lemonickous

    LeBron was avoiding so as to not embarrass Wall but Wall misunderstood.

  16. simplemav

    Delusional Wall. On a side note, never ever give Lebron additional/extra motivation.

  17. burnersburna

    Don’t get me wrong I hated these wiz teams, showing up in all black – cringe af. But this game was within 10 points all game despite lebrons heroics, I don’t know that it disproves the Wiz claim that they’re a bad matchup at all.

  18. SunKing210

    Paul Pierce just quietly sitting there listening to John Wall and having PTSD flashbacks

  19. rawspeghetti

    Are there any examples of someone talking shit to Jordan, Bron, Bird, etc and they DIDN’T get curbed stomped?

  20. JunkScientist

    It’s gotta be so insane being an NBA player in the LeBron Era. Like you made it, a one in 8 billion chance, and you made it to the NBA. Not just NBA but an All-Star. You are a freak athlete, a highly skilled basketball player, a student of the game. You are in the top like 0.00000001% of basketball players on Earth. You have every right in the world to be confident and brag and talk shit and be proud of yourself and your team.

    Then you play LeBron and get fucking dad dicked in front of your friends, family, and millions of people around the globe. 7 years later, you are basically retired after injury, and people are still watching videos about you getting rocked by the GOAT as he leads his team to the playoffs.

  21. waskittenman

    Markieef Morris and Otto Porter saw this interview and thought man wtf you do that for we gotta guard this man lol

  22. King_Dead

    With respect to the wizards we also had a 2OT thriller that year

  23. LemonCool2023

    You’ve gotta have a delusional level of confidence to be 1 of the 450 or so players in the NBA at any time; John Wall actually believed what he said. He later doubled down on a podcast because the season series finished 2-2. On the other handX the Celtics led by Isaiah Thomas beat the Wiz in 7, then got massacred by the Cavs in that same 2017 playoffs. I know the game is about matchups, but how the hell would Wizards have had a chance?

  24. ElPanandero

    On the other hand

    Lebron had to drop 57 in an 8 point win, he wasn’t like *totally* wrong

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